Friday, June 09, 2006


i hate hypocrites.

hypocrites - A person given to hypocrisy.
hypocrisy - insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have / An act or instance of such falseness

hypocrites are those who are only nice when they need your help. then will come to you and ask for your help and when it's done, they'll disappear only to appear again when they need help.

hypocrites are those who shout at you when they want something to be done urgently for them and when it's completed, they'll act nice and calm and pretend that everything went okay.

hypocrites are those who no idea what's going on but goes along with you and pretend to know what's happening. laugh at a private joke, contribute to something he/she has no idea what it is about.

i wonder which is the most hated. hypocrites, back-stabbers, promise-breakers, tyrants, murderers, cheaters, liars, rapists...

i dont know. i dont care. i'll just have to diligent and watch out for these people. careful of who i talk to and what i say.

wat a day... and i'm ill.


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