Thursday, June 01, 2006

really really tired

i have no idea where to start or how to organise my thoughts. anyway, here goes nothing:

the last 48 hours were exhausting and i dont know why! it's not the kind of exhaustion when one gets when you dont sleep for 36 hours. it's some thing else. i dont really know what it is. it just clings onto your body and mind, suck the energy out of you and doesnt allow you to have a proper rest.

i didn't sleep well last night. i went to bed at 11pm and i was still rolling ard my bed at 1am. i woke up at 6:45am today and almost every Wed becoz i have too much work these days.

i tried so hard mentally, esp today, to drive my physical body to function...

my colleague asked me if i wanted coffee, tea or water and i replied, "coffee, tea, water, 2 sugar and milk". if i was in the army, doing guard duty, i would have probably shot myself in the head without knowing it.

... i just hope that i can sleep well and have some really good dreams tonight...

all these aside, in case u dont know, the US Dollar is still weak and if you have lots of pounds, you should exchange it for some US Dollar or SGD now. you never know when will the USD appreciate, but i will say, it will appreciate when the next job/employment data is out for The United States of America. quite tempted to get someone to carry 1000-2000 pounds back to Singapore for me and get my mum to exchange the currency at a good rate. say, 1 pound to 3 SGD. well, that's my analysis. if you wanna be a trader, you gotta make a decision quick. it's not the bad decision but the lack of a decision that determines a trader. i lack the speed to make a decision. so i wont be a trader. i'll probably be good at consultant. analysising a current business and telling you on how to improve it. i can tell you what's wrong with my company's business model... at least in the payroll and billing department.

right, time to sleep, rambling too much rubbish liao...


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