Monday, June 05, 2006

thank you

thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes and gifts.

the specially wrapped chocolates, the long distance phone call, the delicious home-made ice-cream cake, the dinner treat, the cute e-card, the friendster msg (she said i'm handsome and sweet! and gave me a kiss! haha) and birthday wishes over msn, i'm touched by all of it and i will always remember it.

i'm 27 years old this year. i'm not old or exactly young either. but there are some things which i have to take responsibilities for. and i've come to this stage in life where i would prefer to sit down with my friends over a meal or drink and catch up on good old times. chatting bout the last 27 years is alot to talk about but you'll be surprise how some things that happened many years back are freshly in your mind like as if it happened yesterday when you talk to the right person. and i managed to do just that with some good old friends.

the new future for me is in 3 months' time. that's when i move on from London and look for a job to do some thing in life called WORK. those who are close to me knows what i am worried bout and thanks for the advices and encouragements.

but for now, i shall look back and cherish the past 24 hours. thank you all for all the memories. even if it means getting less sleep tonight and feel like shit at work tomorrow =)

love ya all!


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