Saturday, July 29, 2006


days like these, it's God's words that's keeping me sane

Ecclesiastes 2:24-26
Wisdom, Knowledge & Happiness

Ecclesiastes 7

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Love is patience, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes always perseveres.

the only difference between packing for a 2-day trip and a 4-day trip is the extra number of socks and underwears.

Friday, July 28, 2006

i am blogging this only for one reason

there's someone out there whom i like very much.

i'm blogging this only for one reason.

that people who knows me know that i like someone and i want it to become a part of my life to be remembered for.

i have a right to be remembered and this is part of it.

her name will not be reveal
questions will not be entertained
just memories will do

Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get, it's what you are expected to give -- which is everything

today - blackout

firstly, thank God it's bout to rain! it's so much cooler now! it was bloody hot for the past few days till now! yar! NOW! i can sense a good night's rest tonight because i havent been sleeping well for the past few weeks due to the heat!

i came home early again today! this time, i didnt ask my manager if i can leave early because i wasnt feeling well. i got to come home early because there was a blackout! initially, we thought that only the building we were in was affected, but it was the entire street!
in this age, if the computers do not work, there's nothing much you can do. so we were told some admin and filing, had some beer because the air-condition wasnt working as well. it was pretty uneventful except for some useless thoughts. i asked Jenna if she could come over and fan me, but she told me to f***ed off. i asked my manager if the smoke detectors are still working because it's a health and safety issue and if it's not, i will leave and she told me to shut up. the office was quite dark as well and i told her that it's bad for the eyes as it's another health and safety issue but she told me to f***ed off as well. haha. the ultimate thought was being stucked in the lift with a babe! can you imagine that!!! *i can*

and other things that i shall not mention...

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less

Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

new trick

it's footie day and as i was walking from my workplace to Green Park, i pass a beautiful Lambo parked outside a hotel. my attention was on the car and i was looking at it and walking at the same time.


i walked into someone. it wasnt a head on collision, it was more like an perpendicular collision. it was a pretty girl and rather short too, and i think my hand hit her boobs. Oops!
*pretend nothing happen and carry on walking*
it was an accident ok!

OH OH! another story!
after footie, as we were walking towards the tube station, we walked pass 2 ladies having a picnic. they were having problems opening their champagne bottle and they asked, 'Hi, does anyone of you know how to open a cork?' everyone just giggled and Neil went over to help the ladies. when the rest of us heard the 'pop' behind us, we went, 'HEYYYY'

one too many

have you ever pour yourself a drink with ice cubes.
and if there's one ice cube too many, it would touch your nose when you take a sip.
irritating isnt it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

last wed night

Monday, July 24, 2006

i've spent alot of money this weekend. well, at least more than i usually do.

on Saturday, i had dim sum at HK Diner, Banana Split at Ciao and Singapore fried noodle at C&R.

today, due to unforeseen circumstances: just half an hour into the church service, there was a blackout! the service couldnt be continued and we had to be ushered out of the building. so off to Misato we went for an early lunch! man it has been ages since i had lunch at Misato. before today, the last time i was there was when Hillsong had services at Blackfiairs, Joey had his car and always kindly drove us for lunch. also forgot how much prettier the waitresses at Misato are compared to other places =) anyway, after lunch it was back to Ciao for ice-cream and abit of chit chat. erm, what we talked bout cannot be mentioned. anyway, we did consider going for other services, but we heard that they were more blackouts.

i just didnt want to stay home this weekend. desperate to stay out and do something. ice cream, coffee, lunch, dinner. but because of Wed and Thur night, i am still freaking tired. i shall turn in after blogging. hmmm... wat else do i wanna say.

my books and dvd finally arrived. from experience, Parcelforce is more reliable than DHL Express but it's really not up to you to choose.

the weather is still freaking hot!

on this note, i shall go to bed wearing...

Saturday, July 22, 2006

what a start to the weekend

it's a bloody hot night!
i'm tired and i wanna sleep!
but it's too hot to sleep!
too hot to read a book!
and i've already watched a vcd!

now what?!
sleep naked... it doesnt work as it's not very comfortable.

no fan, no air-condition, the air is stale, not circulating and almost suffocating.


*complain complain complain*

Friday, July 21, 2006

smile and the whole world smiles with you

tired but i couldn't sleep

oh well, since i can't sleep, i might as well blog.

I'm not fighting for anything any more except myself.
I'm the only cause I'm interested in.

for the past 3 weeks, my lips have been really unlucky.
twice, a football smacked into my face and i bit myself on the lips and there was plenty of blood. and i cut it once with a blunt razor. *unlucky*

i got drunk last night. what can i say, the usual troubles - affairs of the heart, a broken heart. *just kidding* it was a company function and the tab was paid for by the company. anyway, i did my usual tricks. took the menu, plates, candle-holders, spoons, forks and put them into my colleagues' bags. when i got into work today, some of them actually like the 'presents'. one of my supervisors actually like the candle holder and it's now a permanent fixture on her desk. and there's the usual bitching and 'back-stabbing-talks'. isn't life great! talking and bitching! and the alcohol help with the sleep last night which is much appreciated coz i havent been sleeping well for months. i immediately fell asleep when i hit the bed and only woke up this morning when my alarm clock went off. BUT, having a hangover on a Thursday is a torture! i almost die at work today.

that's it really, my life revolves ard footie and alcohol!

and this is from my friendster profile:
right now, i'll not waste my time and effort to take the initiative to keep in touch with people becoz...
but if you take the initiative, you'll have my complete undivided attention and friendship. *yeah, i am damn DAO. so sue me!*

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


a simple lesson bout listening... yet it's hard to master.

some times, when someone has some thing to tell you, esp those very personal issues, all the person wants is for you to be there to listen.

your opinion, analysis, theory or what you think is not required. in fact, it might be unwelcome. they do not want to know all those.

if your opinion is needed, you'll be asked.

all they want is a listening ear and empathy.

it's simple isn't it?
but so many a times, we can't hold our tongue and we just want to give our comments and tell people what we think.

*this does not apply to a talk-cock session, a chit chat, a conversation*
*this applies to one of those more special conversation. if you get what i mean*

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

let me tell you a shit story!

many years ago, when i still had to wear shorts as part of my school uniform, i decided to join Outward Bound School, Sawarak during the term break. it was a 9 day course in the mountain & jungle of Sawarak.
it was a adventure thingy which i did things like abseiling, flying-fox, canoeing, hiking, trekking...
of course they were fun stuff like sleeping in the open counting stars, looking out for falling stars, enjoying the evening, avoiding the asshole who had BO, bathing under the waterfall and drinking rice-wine...
but i clearly remember this incident and thingy which we had to do. it was to row a whale boat down the river for an entire day. it's basically a freaking big row boat which requires bout 20 of us to row the damn thing. it was heavy and when we set off, it was low tide and the boat was stuck in mud. took us bout 45mins to push it into the water. and as we were rowing the boat, someone had a tummy ache and urgently need to let go. the choice was to either 'drop' him over the side of the boat and let him do his business or get the safety speedboat over to us and drop him by the shore to do his business.
now this is a real river! not the canal like Singapore river. it's probably 100m wide and the water is muddy and u have no idea what's inside the water. so the guy wasnt too keen on doing it in the water. so he opt for the second option. and off he went to do his business on the shore.
he returned to the boat less than 10mins later and SHIT! he looked like elephant man! he had hundreds if not thousands of mosquito bites! we pulled him to one side and started to count the bites on his arm. he probably had 30-50 bites on one arm alone. given the surface area which was exposed, including the usually unexposed part, 250 mosquito bites is quite a conservative estimate!
can u imagine it! a 10min poo and u got 250 mosquito bites!
one whole tube of tiger-balm also not enough ah!
it's really shit isnt it!

this was also the trip where i followed my friend and his mum to Sheraton Tower and had lunch before we flew off. problem was, my friend and i were in shorts because we were going to Sarawak but it the hotel is one of those 4-5 stars hotel. we felt bloody under-dress. anyway, that aside, what i want to say is that the muddy mudpie was fantastic! i wonder if it's still as good, 13 years later...

what a boring day

wah piang eh!
it's damn hot here in london now lar!
even when i was sitting in the shade under the tree looking at girls in the park, it was baking man! *the lady in the red dress looks nice. ah, but i always fancy a lady in a white silk blouse and black skirt*

wat a boring day man! there was nothing much to do at work but to throw paper clips at people and yawn. but WTH, i was shocked when Jenna sneaked up behind me and flicked me in my ear and i was so shocked that i almost jumped out of my chair! i totally didn't expect that as she usually punch me in the arms or tells me to f*** off. yeah, we verbally abuse each other at work. damns, i gotta watch my back from now on but i'm going to continuing abusing people tomorrow, coz my manager is away till Wed! =)

sigh! i've lost alot of weight. probably 3-5kg since i left Singapore. 5kg is like 10% of my weight. yeah, i am freaking light-weight. i've lost so much weight that when i wore my shorts yesterday, it almost slipped off. nvm, when i go back to Singapore, i'll have 5 meals a day and try to gain 10kg. hell, i miss studying and having 7 meals a day. breakfast at home, breakfast in school, lunch, tea break, dinner, supper outside and supper at home. craving for a sushi buffet right now! =( nvm, when i go back to Singapore, i know who's ever-ready for a sushi buffet =)

i dont mind a seafood dinner at JB too. see if i can organise one the friday i return to Singapore. who's interested, please RSVP =) but the problem with friday is that the causeway is usually jammed with Malaysians going back into Malaysia for the weekend and others going into Malaysia for a short weekend getaway. hmmm. dilemma.

anyway, that's too far away, i shall pack for tomorrow's footie.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


be warned!
it's very crude!
make sure your mummy or daddy is not behind u!
and your boss too!

highs and lows

the country won the world cup.
the country's top clubs got relegated.
the highs and lows in life.
it all happened in a few days.
sigh, they dont deserve it.
at least not my AC Milan and the top player, Cannavaro.

one of these days in this lifetime

'because life is bout personal experience'

Four Seasons Resort - Bali at Jimbaran Bay
starts from USD 585 per night

Friday, July 14, 2006

things are getting worse!

there's no hot water!
the boiler is not working!
*dancing in the showers*

more quotes

Everything in life depends on how that life accepts its limits.

People only see what they are prepared to see.

We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.

History will never accept difficulties as an excuse.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing

It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself

Be gentle to all and stern with yourself

While we are focusing on fear, worry, or hate, it is not possible for us to be experiencing happiness, enthusiasm or love

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better

To measure the man, measure his heart

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy

When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you

Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive

Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed

God makes Man, His first priority.
But, Man makes God his last resort.

the future

this is what will happen in the future. in exactly 2 months' time, i will touch down from a plane and be back home in Singapore! hehe. so excited.

the middle east is the latest hot spot ard the globe right now.
if you dont know what's going on, please go and read up on it!

my opinion, bomb them into submission! bomb everything that make life convenient. take out the supply of electricity, food, water, sewage, communications, transport. do you think it's cruel? well, the fact is that's how it has and will always been done. and if that's not enough, take out those in the leadership.
since these countries deny the existence of Israel, might as well reciprocate and erase their existence.

my opinion, there won't be an all out war. there's never support for an all out war, the people only want their kidnapped soldiers back. in these modern days, it's usually precise air strikes and old fashion artillery. why artillery? because it's noisy and frightening. the fear factor. it's all psychology.

end of the day, it's bout threatening and the threat has to be credible...
ultimately, a very serious game of bluff.

and the stakes just went up by a many folds as rockets hit the Israeli city of Haifa.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


if it doesn't make a difference to one party
why should it make a difference to the other party

time and effort should not be wasted on such party
because they do not appreciate nor understand you

do not believe in what people say, but believe in the people's action
don't get fooled by words my friend

principles in life

1. do unto others what you want others to do to you
2. always give others a benefit of a doubt
3. always respect others and their decisions
4. always put yourself in other people's shoes
5. be teachable
6. have no expectations from others but i discovered that this is one princple that i am unable to live up to, so it's void. haha.

the day was so bad

the day was so bad that Jamie and I didnt play any tricks on each other today.
it's really that bad.

the truth bout what Materazzi said to Zidane

Since Sunday evening the whole World has been debating what Italian defender Marco Materazzi said to Zinedine Zidane to make the retiring Frenchman react in the way he did. The French captain, in his last ever professional game, thrust his head into Materazzi's chest in Sunday's World Cup Final resulting in a red card and shame for Zidane. Today, with the help of Italian lip-reader Arturo Belladini, we can reveal what drove Zidane to self destruct;

Materazzi was seen to hold Zidane's shirt on the edge of the penalty box in extra-time at which point Zidane said

"if you want my shirt so bad you can have it"

Materazzi responded

"I dont want your shirt you m***** f*****. you're a f****** old man"

As they jog away Zidane is seen to laugh at this and it is unclear how he responded due to him having his back to the TV camera

Materazzi then hit a volley of abuse

"you should've quit 2 years ago, you're a f****** has-been"

"m***** f*****! your mum is a f****** muslim terrorist and you are to, f*** you old man f*** you"

"old man, this arena is not for you anymore m***** f*****"

Zidane carries on jogging away

"you are only good enough for Tottenham now" It's at this very point Zidane turned and head-butted him.

what a day

what a day!
no point explaining how shitty the job is getting, but the main point is that it's getting from bad to worse.
started the day with a painful left ear becoz someone elbowed me yesterday and an unknown injury to the right knuckle from an unknown incident.
but the day gotta so bad that i can't take it anymore and i had to vent my fustration! and on this day, as i was walking down the stairs, the wall was beside me and it bore the brunt of my fustration.
luckily, it's a solid wall. otherwise, if it's one of those false partition, i would probably have punch thru the wall.
i didnt see it coming. it has been ages since i did something like this. but i guess it's one of those days when it just happens.
even that didnt help much and a few of us decided to head for the pub and after 3 pints of beer and some bitching, it only feels abit better.
i wonder what does it take to ease my fustration...
pain is a good distraction, but too bad i have a high threshold for it.
when you've experienced a broken wrist, ear infection, infection down there and had to be hospitalised for a day because the doctor thinks that you had unprotected sex, almost drown, laceration, migraines so bad that you pounced your head against the walls, rolling down a flight of stairs, tripping on the esclator and jamming ur shin into the jagged edge of the esclators, hospitalised becoz of dengue fever, high fever and lung infection... the only worse pain in life are probably giving birth, dislocated shoulder and chemotherapy.
man, what a day. i wonder how much worse can it get till i really throw a punch at someone and say that i quit.
i would have left ages ago if not for Edinburgh, Russia and Istanbul.
*i need anger management*

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

warm night

i popped into bed early tonight, but i am now awoken by the heat.
i wanna sleep!
i wanna go back to my dream!
*dream girl is waiting for me*

i look like Riquelme meh?

why why why???
why did i do it?!
so tired but still, i went to play footie.

today, i play the playmaker.
i dont sprint forward like a mad dog with the ball like i always used to.
i started making diagonal runs and shield the ball with my ass. yes, my ass. even though i am not very big size, the trick is to drop your shoulders and push people away if they try to come ard you. and of course with my speed, i'll do a quick turn and sprint away with the ball =)

but one thing which i am still unable to do is to turn and shoot! i am really really shit at this! when my back is facing the goal, i'll try to stop the ball to set myself up for the shot, but i'm always closed down. so i decided to play playmaker.

i waltzed passed 3 defenders, faked a shot and the keeper went down the wrong direction. i wanted to waltz into the goal but i decided not to be so arrogant and pass the ball to my colleague to score even though i was 3 feet from the goal mouth.
lovely movement from me! =)

and someone commented that i looked abit like Riquelme!
hmmm, my idol is Cannavaro leh, though i dont mind being a playmaker like Riquelme. simple touches and passes. easier for a not so skillful footballer like me to learn and master.

sigh, i am so tired that i have no appetite now.
how how how?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

still awake and very restless

i'm still awake and i dont know why am i thinking bout it.
i dont know why am i wasting precious sleep and time.
i dont know why am i so concerned.
i don't know why is it like this.
i don't know how it ended up this way.
i don't know if i'm right or wrong.
i basically dont know much and the rest can't be said.

and i still haven't found what i've been looking for.

am i right or wrong...

well, there's no communication, there's no effort made, nothing seems to be done... i'll say the conclusion is pretty straight forward unless i'm told otherwise.


click here to read the blog

Monday, July 10, 2006

still awake

i cant sleep, i feel restless.

although i have to wake up in 7 hour's time and go to work tomolo, i like this peaceful, quietness and stillness of the night where no one else is awake except me. it's a chilly night but i am comfortable under my duvet. it feels like while the rest of the world is resting and asleep, the world has also slowed down especially for you, waiting for you, being there for you...
and in times when you want to be left alone, dont feel like talking to anyone or there's no one you can trust, a quiet moment such as this is always welcome.

the air is fresh, the night is quiet, things seem peaceful and at rest... even troubles seem less worrisome at night...

i miss such moments. it has been more than 2 years since i stayed up late like this. maybe i am too caught up in life and its troubles to remember that such moments exist. but then again, who dares to go out at 3am in the middle of the night in London...

i make others smile, i make others laugh, i entertain others... but who's there to do that for me? busy is such a common excuse. selfish is such a common trait.

i shall not talk too much, i shall just enjoy the peacefulness of the night.
hmmm, should i have another chocolate...

It's over!

he's the man! my new inspiration! and it's over! Italy are the 2006 World Cup winner!

it's not a fantastic match but it's quite enjoyable. esp when you get to look at the frenchie's pathetic faces when Grosso scored the winning penalty! i know i sound very mean but i have absolutely no sympathy for someone if i hate them. so dont make me hate you.

i chose to support Italy over France because i've never supported France in my life! NEVER! i hate them! i hate all French players except when they play for Manchester United when they get an immunity.

anyway, in my opinion, the best match in this world cup was the semi-final between Germany vs Italy. if you disagree, too bad, coz this is my blog and i can say what i want.

though i do remember the 1994 World Cup final between Brazil vs Italy when Italy lost out on penalties. i remember staying up the whole night to watch the match and because it went into penalties, i went to school the next day without any sleep. and my friend, Joshua, who supported Italy was totally dejected the next day. i can never forget that.

right now, i just wanna celebrate by eating the chocolates my sister sent over to me for my birthday. i didnt get to finish it because my throat wasnt too good then...

back to work tomolo... 6 more weeks to go... and 3 weeks after that, i am getting out of here!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sat Nights

i've been watching cantonese movies on tv for the past 3 sat nights. yeah! cantonese movies on tv here in London! they are the really really old action movies which i grew up watching. Island on Fire, Prison on Fire, Fatty Dragon & Skinny Tiger... i just love it! =)

spent abit of time just now reading bout China, makes me wonder why we do not learn from history and how people from different continents behave differently to their form of govt. it also makes me want to catch up abit more on history like, The Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution, Poverty in Africa and why nothing seems to work in Africa, Gulag, Holocaust, Arabs & Israel, Russia... hmmm, history intrigues me right now... coz no one else intrigues me. haha.

Quotes... bored

You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm
~George Orwell

A good listener tries to understand thoroughly what the other person is saying. In the end he may disagree sharply, but before he disagrees, he wants to know exactly what it is he is disagreeing with
~Kenneth A Wells

The purpose of life is a life of purpose
~Robert Byrne

Nobody ever died of laughter
~Max Beerbohm

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people
~Victor Borge

Saturday, July 08, 2006

it's going to be over

after tomorrow night, World Cup 2006 will be over.
only 2 memorable matches so far, Argentina vs Mexico and Germany vs Italy. and tomorrow's finale, watch Italy beat France!

i went shopping yesterday. i was prepared to spend alot more, but i only bought a polo tee and shirt. i do have lots of clothes at home. shirts, tee, polo tee... but that wont stop me from buying more! i seriously swear that i have clothes that i've only wore once! too many clothes, too many choices =)
anyway, back to the summer sales. many clothes are going for a real bargain! a polo tee for 7 pounds at H&M, horizontal stripe tee for 5 pounds at GAP, fashion tee at Zara for 4 pounds but it's mostly size L or XL, jeans for 15 pounds at GAP. don't miss this opportunity people! sadly, nothing caught my eyes. i wanted to get 1-2 pieces of linen shirt to go with my linen long shorts, but dun have leh.

and something disgusting at work yesterday, Jamie found a 'hair' and tape it to mouth-piece of Stephen's phone. *disgusting* and for the rest of the day, we were keeping a close track of the whereabouts of the hair and make sure that it's no where near us! hahaha

i wanna play footie or frisbee! ...rephrase, i wanna play competitive sports. i dont wanna kick a ball ard or just throw a frisbee, i wanna a game! i want to be win! i want to do something! i need to look for the boys when i go back to Singapore *bored*

i've got mail! my brochure from Hammonds has arrived! i order it for free so that i can get some ideas for my room when i return to Singapore. and after flipping thru the pages last night, i think i shall keep this book for my love nest in the future... in the near future i hope. haha.

*bored* i shall go read a book and i am such a boring guy.
*yawn* or i can always go back to bed... "One of the most adventurous things left us is to go to bed. For no one can lay a hand on our dreams"

Friday, July 07, 2006


Super nostalgic today. i was thinking of someone since 4pm. and it has been almost 8-10 years and 22 years respectively.
if you have no idea what i am talking bout, it's ok. none of you will anyway. even my sister will only have a vague idea.
this entry is just for myself today.
the memories of:
the family i lived with, the kindergarten i attended, the discipline i was taught, the forbidden room which i couldnt enter, the afternoon naps, the mahjong watching sessions, the long flight of stairs, the endless teasing tickles which made laughed till i was in tears, the darkness of the kitchen, the mysterious backyard which i was rarely allowed to be in, the neighbourhood, the durian feast, the doctor who knows me so well, the walk to the wet-market, the making of fishball from scratch... most of all, the love i was given.
*tears & missing*
-that's why i went window shopping-

how how how??? another 100 plus pounds!

black and red stripe

white stripe polo

short sleeve pink shirt

pale mint stripe polo

long sleeve black and white

bright pink

Thursday, July 06, 2006

my new favourite author

Lee Child. i've just finished reading the book One Shot and i think that it's really good. there's a plot, easy to read yet entertaining. it's different from my previous favourite author, Robert Ludlum. coz i think Robert Ludlum's style suits the cold war era, whereas Lee Child's style is more modern. anyway, the thing bout books is like coffee and tea, people has different tastes and interests. we can go on and talk bout it all night... hmmm, actually, i do enjoy such conversations.

currently, i still have 4 books which i havent finish, 2 which i have not even started, yet more books are on it's way. then again, 2 are for my sister.. but i might read one before passing it back to her =)

once in awhile, i wished that life's bout lying on a hammock by the beach, reading a good book under the shade on a sunny day, with a glass of fruit punch, the waves licking the shore and a gentle sea breeze blowing into the face... with no one around and nothing to worry bout...

i must be dreaming and it's almost time to sleep...

today's shopping

1 of: Die Hard Trilogy (Six Disc Collector's Edition)
1 of: Fight Club (Special Edition) [1999]
1 of: Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything
1 of: The Alphabet of Manliness
1 of: The World Is Flat: The Globalized World in the Twenty-first Century
1 of: Audrey Hepburn Collection Box Set
1 of: The Scarlatti Inheritance

and i'm not done with the above. i still want my Star Wars Trilogy and Indiana Jones collection for sure, i'm just waiting for the price to be right. wonder what other classics are there to collect?

and i've shortlisted more books to collect when i was at Borders just now:
The War of the World: History's Age of Hatred (Allen Lane History S.) ~ Niall Ferguson
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive ~ Jared Diamond
I Know You Got Soul ~ Jeremy Clarkson
Why Globalization Works (Yale Nota Bene S.) ~ Martin Wolf
The Dangerous Book for Boys ~ Conn Iggulden, Hal Iggulden
A Shite History of Nearly Everything ~ Antal Parody

i've spent 260 pounds at Amazon so far and i might hit 400 pounds before i return to Singapore...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

7 weeks to P45

i always forget that i am not that young anymore. the knocks and bruises take longer to recover, the body is more fragile and muscles stiffer. i can still feel the bruised shin, the aching legs and swollen lip. but i rarely say no to a game of football. so footie at Green Park after work tomorrow. i am so asking for it =)

7 more weeks and i'll be in Russia, the most expensive city in the world or something like that. can you believe that!!! Russia!!! anyway, it also means that's when i will quit my job. damns, i cant believe that i've been in this company for almost 2 years and the memories. naturally, the boys are not going to let me go off that easily, they are proposing that we go to Yates every week from now on! someone else proposed the strip joint and casino as well *grin*

sleeping early tonight again, i'm really old liao.

Monday, July 03, 2006


played footie with Leon and Jingkai's friends today. bagged my second hat-trick for the week. one was it was a volley from near the half-way line, sorta like the Joe Cole goal.
quite lucky coz i am not technically gifted, i prefer to play 1-2s and the goal was just a beauty =) best goal i've scored in my life so far.
but the weather was freaking hot. so hot that i am still exhausted right now.
and i bit myself in the lips during footie when the ball struck my face. spitted blood, sliva and was cursing as well. to be honest, it wasnt as painful as i thought coz i heard that stitching the lips is one of the most painful experiences. all i felt was numbness. so, ear infection and broken wrist are still the most painful experiences so far.
ah, satisfied, continue counting-down and time to sleep.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

how different am i today compared to 2 years ago?

i've got nothing to do now, so i came up with this topic.

how different am i today compared to 2 years ago.

have i changed, and if i did, is the changes alittle or alot? and if i did change, is it because it's natural as we're constantly learning new things or is it becoz i came over to UK and i'm influenced by the things over here.


after serious consideration, i think this is one question which i cant answer on my own. i need to go back to Singapore and asked my friends.
haha. sian, i'm back to square one, nothing to do. and i just noticed that there are no white crescent thingy at the base of my nails on my ring fingers. i've never noticed that before.