Friday, July 21, 2006

tired but i couldn't sleep

oh well, since i can't sleep, i might as well blog.

I'm not fighting for anything any more except myself.
I'm the only cause I'm interested in.

for the past 3 weeks, my lips have been really unlucky.
twice, a football smacked into my face and i bit myself on the lips and there was plenty of blood. and i cut it once with a blunt razor. *unlucky*

i got drunk last night. what can i say, the usual troubles - affairs of the heart, a broken heart. *just kidding* it was a company function and the tab was paid for by the company. anyway, i did my usual tricks. took the menu, plates, candle-holders, spoons, forks and put them into my colleagues' bags. when i got into work today, some of them actually like the 'presents'. one of my supervisors actually like the candle holder and it's now a permanent fixture on her desk. and there's the usual bitching and 'back-stabbing-talks'. isn't life great! talking and bitching! and the alcohol help with the sleep last night which is much appreciated coz i havent been sleeping well for months. i immediately fell asleep when i hit the bed and only woke up this morning when my alarm clock went off. BUT, having a hangover on a Thursday is a torture! i almost die at work today.

that's it really, my life revolves ard footie and alcohol!

and this is from my friendster profile:
right now, i'll not waste my time and effort to take the initiative to keep in touch with people becoz...
but if you take the initiative, you'll have my complete undivided attention and friendship. *yeah, i am damn DAO. so sue me!*


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