Thursday, July 06, 2006

my new favourite author

Lee Child. i've just finished reading the book One Shot and i think that it's really good. there's a plot, easy to read yet entertaining. it's different from my previous favourite author, Robert Ludlum. coz i think Robert Ludlum's style suits the cold war era, whereas Lee Child's style is more modern. anyway, the thing bout books is like coffee and tea, people has different tastes and interests. we can go on and talk bout it all night... hmmm, actually, i do enjoy such conversations.

currently, i still have 4 books which i havent finish, 2 which i have not even started, yet more books are on it's way. then again, 2 are for my sister.. but i might read one before passing it back to her =)

once in awhile, i wished that life's bout lying on a hammock by the beach, reading a good book under the shade on a sunny day, with a glass of fruit punch, the waves licking the shore and a gentle sea breeze blowing into the face... with no one around and nothing to worry bout...

i must be dreaming and it's almost time to sleep...


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