Monday, November 15, 2004

how often do i do my laundry

i usually do my laundry when i discover that i only have 1-2 pairs of undergarments left. i don't usually do it when my clothes are dirty nor when the laundry bag is full or when i am very free. i'll usually do it when i am running out of clean undergarments! hahaha. what a weird blog entry!
laundry aside, i still don't make my bed coz it's not necessary, but i wash my dishes and cook some of the meals, i wash my shirts and jeans once in awhile coz i hardly perspire in london...
and the week ahead: i am meeting billy tomolo evening, i got to go to work as usual, i got a second interview with FSA on friday morning before i go for the OCF retreat in the evening. so i guess it will be a pretty eventful week and i just hope that the weekdays will passby quickly and the weekends slowly...


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