Friday, October 29, 2004

i've never sent so many mails in my life!!!

here's something which i did and not many people get to do:
i weigh and posted 503 10grams, 41 20grams, 8 30grams, 8 40 grams, 4 50grams, 248 60grams, 1 80grams, 1 90grams, 1 100grams, 9 120grams, 1 210grams, 1 240grams, 1 260grams, 1 300grams, 4 370grams and 1 620grams of mails. and it took me one whole hour and 2 completely filled postal bags! damns! i have never sent so many mails in my life. heck, i never even send that much forwarded mails!
i also carried loads of boxes and arranged them in sequence at work today. damn those boxes are heavy and my arms are aching now... i think it's time for me to do some push-ups every day and jog regularly.
i like what i am doing now. i would definately prefer a job in investment banking, but putting that aside and looking at my current situation and with my current job, i am satisfied and contended. i don't lose precious sleep by waking up every hour which was what happened for my previous job. i go to work each day confident (though it has only been 3 days) and i know what my duties and responsibilities are and how to perform them. i have to say that it has been good. the next 2 months is going to be enjoyable.
the turjey is roasting in the oven... it smells good. just like yesterday's roast beef. =) i always look forward to dinner every day when i get home from work.
till i blog again... tata


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