Tuesday, September 28, 2004

for the past week...

right, it has been awhile since i blogged. but i do have alot to write, complain and say. so here it goes!

firstly, which is a very important matter and it's not a complain is that God answered the questions that i had on my mind since i came to london through sunday's message. in fact, i believe that sunday's message was specifically for me! in a nutshell, wat's on my mind is bout getting a job, whether i should serve in a ministry in london and wat's in store in the future in general... these 3 specific questions that i had on my mind was 'answered' in sunday's message. i feel very relief (which is an understatment) that God answered my prayers. but i got to admit that i'm still anxious bout it becoz it's not that i don't have the faith to claim and believe it (i am claiming and believing) but it's becoz i'm not sure what it is. i know that i will get a job by the end of next week, but i am not sure what sort of job. but i am glad that i will be getting a job. praise God. and concerning a ministry, anyone who knows what i am talking bout, please give any suggestions...

now, for the complains! i went out to get a mobile and a line yesterday. i wanted to subscribe to THREE becoz it's cheap and has 500 free mins but i couldn't becoz i failed the credit check. apparently, my bank account has to be at least 3 months old (which it's not) before i can subscribe to most mobile network. this totally suck becoz how am i going survive the next 2-3 months without a mobile. and i tried getting a pay-as-u-go SIM card today, and i couldn't get it becoz i don't have a credit/debit card to apply for one from FRESH, CARPHONE WAREHOUSE has run out of pay-as-u-go SIM and to get a THREE pay-as-u-go SIM, u need to purchase their phone. this totally suck!

the next complain is bout my bank. apparently (i have been using this word very often ain't i?), i can only get a debit or credit card after 3 months becoz they have to monitor my credit standing first. great! more inconvenience!

well, i have been pretty quiet in london... no job, no mobile, no credit card... life should be more exciting when i get all these!



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