Friday, September 17, 2004

13th-16th Sep

i spent 4 days in Paris with my mum and sister. we took the Eurostar and arrived in Paris within 2-3 hours.
and the first place that we went were Galeries Lafayette which is a megabig superstore that is even bigger than Harrods! it wasn't plan but it just happened to be near to where we stayed and we decided to drop by. and after that, my sister went to a flea market which wasn't very impressive. but oh well, that's the nature of touring.
the next day, we went to notre dame, the louvre, aves des champs and arc de triomphe. actually, i have been to all these places except the louvre and it stayed that way because the louvre is closed on tuesday! so next time, if u r planning to go to Paris, please remember that the louvre is close on tuesday. so from notre dame, we walked along aves des champs the 'hitler way' and arc de triomphe. the 'hitler way' is when you walked from the Obliseque towards the arc de triomphe instead of the other way ard coz that's what he did. Aves des champs is another shopping street. and for dinner, we went to a restuarant that was near our hotel but that's not the point. the point was that the restuarant was near to moulin rouge. and moulin rouge is situated in the so call 'entertainment area'. where there are the sex shows, sex shops, sleazy bars... u get wat i mean... so if anyone wants to stay along there the next time, ask me and i'll send u the details =)
and on wed, we went to the 'hospital' which Napoleon built for his injured soldiers. the interesting stuff were the flags of the countries that he defeated hanging inside the church and the different cannons that he used and captured. the eiffel tower was next! but guess wat! when we got there, the tower was closed! 'Exceptionally Closed' was the words that was on the electronic display board. everyone was disappointed! even me! coz i would love to go up to the eiffel tower again! so we figured that it was closed because of some repair works or something, so we decided to come again tomolo. so we headed to see the mona lisa instead. the louvre is quite a museum. it's a 'U-shaped' building. so if u happen to be at one end of the building and u want to go to the other end, u gotta walk a freaking long uneconomical distance! anyway, the 2 things that was worthing commenting was the queue and number of people taking pictures of mona lisa... which i also did & the napoleon room. i think the napoleon room is damn impressive! everyone should go see it! it's really damn impressive! he really knew how to live like a king! well, he was one actually... hehe
and on the last day, we went back to the eiffel tower, hoping that it will be open and once again it was 'exceptionally closed' but we saw banners that wrote 'Eiffel Tower on Strike'!!! damn it! wat the fish!!! how could they be on strike! how does exceptionally closed = a strike!!! anyway, we were all disappointed by this event. but over all, it was a good trip.
and i almost forgot to add this in: i almost got pickpocketed... actually, i did get pickpocketed... ermm... i don't know if i did, but let me tell u the story. while getting into the metro (train), a guy came out of nowhere and drop his keys in front of me. he bend down, block my path and as the train doors were closing, another guy also came out of nowhere and tried to get unto the train behind me. so i was wedged between these 2 guys. the guy in front of me was taking a long time to find his keys. actually, it was only bout 5-8 secs but it seemed pretty long coz there was a loud beeping sound becoz the doors of the train couldn't close. and the guy behind me kept pushing forward but he just kept pushing from behind of me instead of moving into space. at this point in time, i still didn't know that there were pickpockets. until i tried to manuveur into space and felt a hand in the back-pocket of my jeans. once i felt that hand, the 2 guys suddenly moved of the train and the doors closed. i looked out and they were scolding each other... as if they didn't know each other and couldn't get on the train becoz one each other but i think that they are just pretending. but anyway, it was an unsuccessful attempt for them and besides, i always put my wallet in my front pocket and tissue paper goes to the back-pocket =) so u be the judge, was i pickpocketed or not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello!Guess who? Yeah Scrabble man!
I observed a similar ruse while on a N74 bus one night at the trafalgar stop. Two guys who appeared not to know each other got on the bus, one then pushed the other and the latter began to raise a ruckus. I think some other passengers were between these two queuing to pay the driver. After a few seconds, the driver ordered these two off(? or something) and she turned to the passengers on the lower deck to tell them to check if they all had their stuff with them. I also noticed the two seemed to walk away from the bus as if they did know each other, and did not carry on their act. That's "great" britain for you =).
By the way, Napoleon was not as great as I thought before what I came across recently in a book. Towards the end of his career, his foreign minister Talleyrand actually saved France by manipulating Napoleon into a doomed attempt at regaining his throne.
Anyways, all the best for job hunting and let's play some time soon =)

Sat Sep 18, 10:37:00 AM 2004  
Blogger melvin said...

jonathan is it?
how are u man! long time no see... yeah, we must meet up and play scrabble one of these days. but i guess we can't play in the park anymore coz it's getting colder.
so it will be your place right?
till we meet again...

Mon Sep 20, 07:43:00 AM 2004  
Blogger melvin said...

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Tue Sep 21, 01:40:00 AM 2004  

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