Tuesday, August 31, 2004


friday was straight forward. i woke up early and drove my sister all the way to croydon to settle her visa. but the problem was i sat in the car from 7am till 2pm to wait for her and i couldn't really sleep coz i didn't wanna to pay the parking. anyway, i couldn't afford it either. it's bout 4 pounds for 2 hours. crazy! but she finally got her visa settled and we went for lunch. and did i tell u that driving here is crazy. u literalyl got to fight for every inch of space on the road. but i gotta say i fight pretty well for a first timer in london.
can't really remember wat we did on sat... but it's the bank holidays anyway. public holiday from sat till monday.
sunday was church in the morning. went to Hillsongs with my sister. it's quite an eye-opener. the set-up, lightings all the technical stuff, i like it. the praise and worship reminds me of my days in Speedlight. anyway, in a nutshell, the pastor talked bout being alone/ lone ranger. no man is an island. but of course he wasn't talking bout BGR, but talking bout having friends, family, people to people relationship and community. after service, we went for lunch and we decided to play scrabble. and we went to Hemleys. it's a mega big department store that only sells toys!!! it's cool! sort of like toys R us, but different. it's more fun!
and today, we wanted to go to a park and feed some deers (and maybe hunt some too), but the weather didn't look to good when we woke up, so we stayed indoors and played scrabble. and we did go to the park in the end. parks are nice here. firstly becoz the weather allows u to hang out in the open. u won't end up hot, sticky and sweaty like in Singapore. and the parks are nice... i just like it lar! haha.
anyway, living here is different than in singapore. not just becoz my parents are not with me and i am in a foreign land. but becoz right now, i got to adapt and do things that i don't usually do in singapore. i still can't cook, but when living with other people, if someone cooks, the next best thing u can do to help out is to wash the dishes and stuff like that. anyway, i've been washing the dishes ever since i got here! haha.
well, it has been a long blog, hope u enjoy it.


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