Tuesday, August 17, 2004

wat happen today

yea! i've served my last reservist today... it's not that i've ROD, but i've got a year's disruption to allow me to do my working-holiday experience. i had some fun today. used the ditigal camera and took some silly pictures. i'll post it on my friendster once i receive it. and i hope that i'll be posted back to the same squadron when i get back next year.
and i still cannot find my tie!!! i was at suntec yesterday, and according to the saleslady, solid coloured ties are out of fashion for this season. the fashion statement for this season are stripe-patterned ties! what the heck do i care bout fashion statement... ok, i do care about it alittle. but i just want my cream coloured tie... and my tie-hunting season shall continue...
and things that i have to do before i leave:
cancel my mobile line. transfer my internet account to my dad. return the soccer ball to shawn. iron my shirts. cut my hair. *dot dot dot*


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