Friday, October 22, 2004

wanton mee sauce

no one's eating at home except me tonight, so it's time to experiment with food and cook my style of wanton mee... actually, it's more of the wanton mee sauce that i tried to made.

the meal was a simple one. basically, i dumped the noodles, vegetables and slices of beacon into a pot of boiling water for a few mins.

but the sauce was tougher to make. i used 2 part soya sauce, 2 part water, 1 part oyster sauce, ? part sugar, ? part sesame oil till the mixture looked abit oily and it tasted quite alright lar. it was just a little too salty and not enough sugar for the sweet taste.
hmmm, looks like i got a long way to go b4 i perfect it, but at least my first try wasn't too bad.

the actual way to do it is 1 part sesame oil, 1 part oyster sauce, 2 part dark soya sauce, 5 part water and 7 part light soya sauce, 0.5 part seasoning and alittle sugar... at least that's what it says on the net...

time to dig into some chocolate or ice-cream =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mm r u sure all the seasonings r correct? lol..mi just thinking of how to make the wanton first try was pretty boyfriend eat until wanna puke..=X
guess afterall it's my fault for not checking up online!~!~ arg..anyway..i hope your sauce kinda better den mine?? hehe..gonna try it out these few days when i'm free..hope to learn more about your funky recipes!!

Wed Jun 22, 11:59:00 AM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thks for da help. my home econ teacher gave me full marks for this recipe

Wed Jul 13, 08:28:00 PM 2005  

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