Friday, October 08, 2004


first of all, i wanna say that it's not that i didn't want to blog for the past 2 weeks, but the problem was that i couldn't login to my blog. don't know what's wrong!
but here i am now, but with a headache! sucky!

anyway, today was my first day at work. i got this job as a researcher in a research and advisory firm. and what i gotta do is to call up our client's clients ask them questions to complete a questionaire on my client's industry. and i can't reveal my clients' name so that it won't affect the interviewees' opinion. sounds easy right, but the questionaire takes at least 20mins to complete and i got to call directors, presidents, vice-presidents, head of departments and managers of financial institutions from countries like japan, HK, india, germany, sweden, US, brazil... and from what i can see, the experience ones get bout 4 questionaires done a day.

but oh well, at least i got a job that helps with the rent and i am learning something. coz i don't usually have the confidence to carry a conversation, so i guess this job will help me alot and i am sure that it's God's plan to train me for another better job that's coming coz i am praying for one. (just as Joseph didn't rise to become prime minister of Egypt overnight but he rose through the ranks slowly, so the lesson learnt is to be patience and make the best out of the situation)

btw, i don't wish to be sold as a slave nor go to jail... but my hope is to enter investment banking preferably M&A, corporate finance, treasury, operations, compliance and finally a vice-president or president of a financial institution.

but meanwhile, it's 8-5 every weekday and i gotta wake up at 6:40, stand in the freezing weather while waiting for the busand earn only 200 pounds each week before tax, which is only 134 pounds after tax and 100 pounds goes to the rent, 10 pounds for the one-week buspass, 10 pounds for one week's lunch and 14 pounds left for whatever i am able to afford...

sigh, abit depressing to talk any more bout it... anyway, i am going to bath, praise God for any reason that i can think of before i go to bed tonight.

take care everybody who's reading this. and remember that God is faithful. coz 3 weeks ago i said that God gave me an answer that i will get job this week and it came true =) and now, it's time to ask when will i go into investment banking, how and which ministry will i serve... (oh, i asked God if i should serve in a ministry and He said yes, but haven't give directions yet)


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