Friday, April 15, 2005

i talk rubbish...

i do not know how i did it, but i injured my tongue. a small area of the underside of my tongue hurts when it touches anything. how sucky right! the tongue practically touches something at any given time. idiot! it's not really that painful, but it's very irritating, i don't know how i did it and i just wanna complain.

and 6 hours from now, it would be my convocation if i were in Singapore. but since i am not there, i won't talk bout it. all the best and have fun, my friends from SIM.

i had a great time playing footie with my coleagues at the park yesterday. but first, i wanna that i still can't understand why did it have to rain yesterday. it didn't rain on sunday, monday, tuesday or today but it had to rain on wed between 5:30pm and 6pm... the time when we were walking from our workplace to the park. but it didn't dampen our mood and i scored with glancing header, left foot and right foot. so looking forward to play footie again next week.

had a great time eating KFC and playing frisbee at the park on sunday too! the sun was great, but the weather is still abit chilling. so hopefully, one month down the road and i am able to spend every sunday at the park for the next 2-3 months. God, please let spring and summer be warm and beautiful. and i stuffed myself with too much KFC and after the game of frisbee, i can feel the KFC in my lungs. thank God i didn't vomit. it will be such a waste of money and good food.

ok, i got to go. i shall catch an episode of B.O.B. (band of brothers) before catching the football match on tv later.


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