Saturday, March 19, 2005

bye bye weekday

i am glad it's friday. somehow, friday just seems good.

no matter how ur week went, friday just seems good and everything will be alright. or at least everything will be quite alright.

and here's what i did today:
work of course. and my colleagues and i also played lots of games. here's the link. <<>> i think there are many versions of pingu, i did 18981.4m for pingu version 4. have fun trying to beat that! and someone also attempted to swap the keys on my keyboard, but i was too good to fall for that trick. and i took 'revenge' by setting my friend's screen saver to be activated every min. hehe.

it was also katie's last day. she's a very nice girl, it was her last week at the workplace and she kept asking for work becoz she was bored. it's really nice of her. we had a farewell lunch with her, bought her dvd and farewell drinks after work.

and when some of us went to get katie a present, i met a friend whom i have not seem for more than 10 years! it's really a pleasant surprise! *shocked* but it was really nice to meet a friend out of the blue whom you've not seen in a long time.

yeah, all these little things ended my weekday in a good note. sort of positive for the weekend. cheers mate.


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