Friday, March 18, 2005

i played alot of games today.
there was the helicopter game which i scored 1044 i think. <<>>
then there were the pengu games. in which there are 3 versions.
the first version, which is the basic and original version, the yeti has to bat the penguin and let the penguin fly as far as possible... and i scored 597m for that.
another version basically had a minefield added to it. so the penguin that u bat fly for some distance and hope that it will land on the landmine, the explosion will further propel the penguin forward... btw, there will be lots of blood and only the penguin's head will be flying thru the air.
the other version is called, rocket-in-the-arse. basically, it's similar to the original version except that the penguin bounces for something like 5-10 mins. so your penguin can basically fly 10,000m. i did 12314m but someone at work had 19xxxm. but the game gets quite boring after awhile coz it takes very long.
so, have fun with the helicopter game. it's quite good. my colleagues and i will always be playing it during lunch... and unofficial breaks. =)

nice weather again today, it's lovely. maybe i'll go to the park and get some sunshine... and look at the scenery if you get what i mean.


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