Thursday, March 31, 2005

what a day.... i'm just glad to be home

it has been 2 crazily hectic days work. matching contractors' timesheets and invoices to get them paid may sound easy, but it's not. firstly, you gotta open the fax and print them out. and the bloody printer doesn't print all the faxes. some faxes just doesn't get printed and you gotta print them on another printer.
after that, you got to sort out the faxes into the different regions. london, city, south west, north west, scotland, thames valley, midlands and others. if you are lucky, the timesheet and invoice will arrive together in a single fax and then you can then enter them into the system, pay the contractor and that's it.
otherwise, if you've only received the timesheet, then you gotta wait for the invoice to arrive and match them and vice versa. (btw, you don't sit ard and wait for the other copy, u continue doing work and wait for the fax at the same time)
and most of the time, the 'kiasu' contractor will also send their timesheet and invoices thru the ever reliable royal mail which means that you usually get duplicate copy of everything.
these are all the easy part.
the tougher part of the job is when contractors call every now and then to ask if they will be paid on time and why aren't they paid on time... when they already know what are the reasons why someone is not paid on time. firstly, we can't pay if the week-ending date is wrong, the timesheet was pre-signed by the client, when we received only a partial printout of the timesheet, when the invoice does not have an invoice number, company registration number and if you are claiming VAT, a VAT registration number. it all sounds very simple, but trust me, there are lots of people who make such mistakes. and honestly i hate to answer phone calls coz 90% of the time it's a dumb question and it gets on my nerves which doesn't help when i am doing my payroll.
but i admit that i do make mistakes and i've made 3 mistakes so far. 3 mistakes in 6 weeks isn't that bad right. since there are 2 payrolls each week, and i pay bout 100 people each time, that means that 3 person did not get paid on time out of 1200 entries. it's quite a good record if you ask me.
i think i have said enough. i shall not waste my precious few hours at home talking bout work. i shall bath and get ready to watch the england match. *chill and relax* *strength and honour*

btw, i thought of an invention a few days back. someone could invent a device that will use magnetic field to destroy cash-withdraw cards and credit cards in your wallet/purse when you get robbed or pickpocketed. though i have no idea how it will work or it should be activated and not accidentally. what do you think of my moonshine idea?


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