Thursday, March 24, 2005

time flies

time really flies this week, it has been almost 7 days since my last blog entry and i didn't even notice it.

anyway, it's a short working week this week. 4 days of work and then it's easter friday, the weekend and a bank holiday or aka public holiday on monday.

although it's good to have the holidays where i can sleep and wake up later, but i would still prefer to be working on the weekdays. the reason is simple and practical. i would love to earn a few more quid. holiday or no holiday, life goes on and i need to pay my rent, bills and food. as much as i would love for money to fall from the sky, it obviously doesn't. so because i am only paid when i work as a temp staff, too much holiday isn't really good for my surival in london. but enough bout it.

because it was a short working week, work was a bit more hectic. payroll was brought forward to tues and thursday. which means that i have only monday to settle tue's payroll and wed to settle thur's payroll. but everyone at work did well and we knocked off at 4pm yesterday and proceed to the pub... some things just never change =)

i was suppose to play counter-strike with my colleague online last night. but i had problems logging unto the network for some unknown reasons which i am still trying to figure out. what a disappointment.

oh, and last but not least, try this game, <<>>. i haven't try the one for the opposite sex. =)


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