Sunday, November 28, 2004


the taste and feeling of having a bottle of SMIRNOFF ICE, vodka mixed drink after a not so wonderful dinner that i cooked... NICE!!!

ice cold, fizzy and not too much alcohol. just the way i like my drinks. and as for the way i like my woman... she gotta be just the way i like it. haha!

the little enjoyments aside, i really hope to get the job with FSA and being paid my desired salary. and if i get the job, my lifestyle will definately change and the pace will go faster. it's not a bad thing at all, it's just going to be different from now. there will be more responsibilites, more challenges, conflicts... blar blar blar... the whole nine yards. and honestly, i'm looking forward to the challenges ahead...

it's saturday, enough of such serious talks. i just wanna chill... wish i had many friends beside me right now with 4-6 times as many bottles of SMIRNOFF ICE and chatting the night away... AND back to some light-hearted blogging...

here's a list of things that i would like to have ard for the weekend in london now: sunshine, good company with friend/friends/girlfriend, majhong, football, scrabble, beer, wine, liqour, damn good food, road trip, shopping. that's all i can think of for now.

and i don't want to think anymore... bye bye


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