Thursday, November 25, 2004

alive, walking and standing up straight!

finally! i'm back! alive and kicking!
for those out there who doesn't know what happened to me for the past few days, here it goes.
on friday, i went for my second and final interview with FSA. i was given a set of data to work on within an hour. i gotta use the Excel spreedsheet and creat some graphs and percentage. but sad to say, i made a mistake coz i transfer the wrong set of data and i couldn't answer one of their questions. but i still feel quite positive, 70-80% chance of getting the job, but i am not sure what's the salary they ware willing to pay me.
and over the weekend, i was at Sunbury Court for the OCF retreat. it was colder than central london and i had lots of fun playing scrabble, bridge, big-2 and heart attack. and of course i got to know the OCFers much better and had a refreshing time. but sadly, i injured my back very badly just a few hours before i was suppose to leave. it was so bad that i could hardly walk and i thought i had a slip-disc or i was going to be a crippled.
when i finally got home, i couldn't walk for more than a few steps without collapsing unto the floor becoz of the pain nor could i stand up straight. it was really worrying!
i've broken my wrist, had ear infection, suspected torsion (which was actually infection of certain body part), laceration of my knee, broken foot, migraine... but none of these hurt as much as the back injury. i thought i was going to be paralyse or bed ridden or... but... let's continue with the story...
so i spent monday and tuesday at home resting without much improvement... and the opportunity cost was £120 for 2 days of work forgone. but on jonathan's advice, i took some asprin on tuesday night to ease the swelling of the muscles which is what he suspected. the reason is becoz he suspected that the muscle in my back was swollen and it was pressing against the nerves in my back that cause the pain or becoz i pulled my ligament, the natural reactly of the spinal muscle was to contract to protect the spine/nerve/ligament...
and on wed, Mervin and Jonathan was very nice enough to pick me up and sent me to St. Mary Hospital for a checkup. and thankfully, i felt very much better on wed morning coz i can finally walk and stand up straight. at the hospital, i had a checkup with a doctor and x-ray to make sure that nothing was broken or too serious. the doctor concluded that either the ligament was pulled or the tailbone was chipped... so once again, i survive.
here i am now, in my office once again, typing away on my blog and earning my keeps. my 5 pences worth of comments: it's a very nice feeling to lie in bed all day,do nothing but eat and watch tv. but it's more fulfilling to wake up every day and earn your keeps and know that you are responsible.
and yes, i would like to thank my housemates for helping with the cooking and washing for the past few days. and jonathan and mervin for their advice and help. and everyone who prayed for me.
time to go back to work =)


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