Wednesday, July 21, 2004

it has been 5 years already?

my left eye brow's still twitching!!! wierd!!! can anybody tell me what's the sign? 
is it a sign that i will get a great job in london? or will i meet my love one soon? blar blar blar... obviously, those are the things on my mind now =)
and 5 years ago, i was enlisted. time really flies. it has been 5 years! can u believe it! that means that i have completed my 2 and a half year of national service, my 2 years of undergruate life. which also includes 5 years of insurance payment, a year of reservist...
but, i am only 25 today. and hopefully, 5 years down the road, i'll have my first kid. which means i must get married within the next 4 years! haha.
and i am not even attached nor have any targets.. ok, targets make it sound very bad, how bout the word, candidates? better?! actually, i am not asking for the sky lar. just someone that i like, i can live with, give me support... i don't know liao. don't know wat else do i want =)
oh well, enough of talk... i wanna sleep liao.


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