Tuesday, July 06, 2004

to eat or to sleep?!

i'm hungry and bored right now... and i don't know if i should go hit the bed and sleep or should i go to the kitchen and grab some pineapple tarts!!! =) *tsk tsk* when someone is as bored as i am now, every simple little decision seems so big and important!!!

and i really got to say this, if i weren't going to london, i believe i will be working right now. having an 8-6 job and hopefully, no need to work on the weekends. getting paid ard $2,200 as a financial analyst or researcher. basically, i got nothing nice to say bout having to work. we toil so hard just to make ends meet, and hopefully to live a 'better' life, and a 'better' life usually means having more ends to meet! it's dumb to go thru life like this. and i don't intend to go thru life this way but neither do i intend to bum thru my life. i want my life to be simple, loving, relaxing and care-free. i'll work hard, live within my means, provide for and love my wife & children and have a bunch of great friends in life!

and talking bout wife and children, my mum recently asked me why i don't have a gf. hmmm, i really don't know how to answer her =) i guess it's time to bring someone home soon... haha. it has been 5-6 years since i last got attached and i guess it's bout time to find someone to love, show my parents, give a diamond ring, get married, get a house and have kids... blar blar blar. but then again, i am such a bum =) i am contented going around making new friends. and like i always say, 'i'll just wait for the girl to fall unto my arms.' =) if only... i guess it's time to pray for my eyes to be open to choose THE ONE, for courage to ask THE ONE out for a date and pray for whatever that has to be prayed for lar coz i also don't know wat else to pray for liao =)

great, i think i'm boring myself... feeling sleepy now =) goodnight to u.


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