Tuesday, June 29, 2004


what blackout? my place got no blackout leh! can't u see i am blogging now!!! haha

can't think of a title... King melvin???

it has been awhile since i blogged. i think it's becoz i am getting really lazy + there's nothing interesting or much to talked bout anyway. =)

but here are a few things that's worth mentioning: there's the euro2004 semi-finals and finals. i think it will be a show-down between the czech and the dutch! and i got a feeling that nedved will be shown a yellow card in the semi-finals and he'll miss the finals and then czech will lose!!!

besides euro2004, there's my very own street soccer. i've been playing street soccer twice a week for 2 weeks liao. but i still prefer playing soccer at maris stella rather than at toa payoh. coz the street soccer court in toa payoh is small, has concrete wall and strangers always come and 'challenge' us. and the 'challengers' always like ram the ball against the wall and wait for the rebound before they shoot. i hate this method of 'one-two'. besides, i rather play with my friends.. less chance of getting into a brawl. and lately, i've been injury-prone again!!! 2 sundays back, i pulled my left hamstring; then on friday, i played soccer again and made the condition worse and i had a slight knock to my ankle and a big bruise on my thigh which i don't know where it came from. and last sunday, my hamstring has not recovered and i got knocked again on my back. and guess wat! i am playing soccer at NUS tomolo. i've never been there before, so i hope it's fun and the weather will hold!

it's time i do some shopping for my trip liao. there are lots of things to get. esp working clothes... more money to be spent...

and there's a slight change of plan for my UK trip. there's an additional trip to paris with my sister, mum and auntie! my 2nd time back to paris and i will be the tour guide. =) but my sister doesn't like museums!!! i like museums!!! but not those that has lots of paintings, prefer those with relics and artifects! oh well, i'm sure there are lots of other things to see and do in paris. eiffel tower, arch de triumphe, ave des champs, notre dame... that's all i know botu paris! if anyone who's reading this knows of any must go places in paris, please let me know!!!

time to go and get ready to meet my friend for an early dinner...

Monday, June 21, 2004

got it!!!

yeah! i've finally got it! my working-holiday visa has been approved!
hehe. that means i am london bound! i'm excited and i got lots to say!
but right now, i just wanna watch tv and rest early b4 i catch the england match later!
God bless you all!

double hat-trick

it's monday! but i am not here to talk bout monday! i'm here to talk bout yesterday!
sunday was a very lucky day for me yesterday! during soccer, i scored a total of 6 goals! that's pretty unusual for me, coz i usually play the last man and don't score many goals. max is bout 2. but i was not my usual self yesterday =)
initially, i played on the right as a defender. but after i bagged the first goal, i was full of confident and i keep attacking from the flank and taking shots at goal. till i finally end up as a striker. and after scoring 2 goals, it was obvious to me and my friends that it was going to be my day. i was a 101% poacher! i was expected to score each time i touch the ball. haha. but i also miss as many golden opportunities as i scored too. but it was fun. it's always fun playing soccer. and i'm loving it!
and once again, yesterday was another bloody hot day too! makes a person easily shaq out! and also becoz i got no stamina lar. but then again, i rather that the weather is hot than raining! and there were only 2 teams instead of the usual 3-4 teams! but i went home a smiling, shaq, tired and smelly person!
btw, i correctly guessed the results for last night's match too!!! portugal and russia to win! told you i was lucky... at least for yesterday! and today, i am going to collect my passport and visa. hope that everything is going to be alright. and i hope some agency will call me and offer me a highly paid temp job! =)

Friday, June 18, 2004

team england

it's not one of the most exciting matches, but i guess it's great seeing England won 3-0 and know that France was held to a draw.

for tonight's matches, i will say that if Bulgaria loses to Denmark, then Italy will beat Sweden. however, if Buleria draws with Denmark, then maybe Italy will draw with Sweden too. and i am quite confident of these results coz of soccer-politics and soccer-bookietic. haha.

anyway, back to last night's match. the player who was most outstanding was rooney. there was commitment and drive in him. he was every where making tacklings and runs for the ball. beckham, campbell, cole, scholes, lampard, gerrard were playing well too, but somehow, you sense that the england squad lack confidence at the back, and they don't have an all-out-striker who can make space for himself and shoots inside the 25yard box. they just lack that cutting edge. the most pathetic player was michael owen. even though he set-up rooney for the goal. other than that, he was not effective at all! he lacked the pace which he was known for, he was quickly closed down and couldn't create space for himself and he hardly took a shot at goal.
in my opinion, if england is to proceed further and win the tournament, they better drop michael owen and bring in vassell, make sure that david james covers his angles properly for all freekicks and forget bout fielding owen hargreaves. => look out for john terry too. he's not that consistent.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

the 2nd week after my exams

well, i went down to the UK Visa Office at Robinson Road to settle my visa today. and if all goes well, i should be able to collect my visa on thurs. =>
and that's bout all i did for today. it's so boring right! btw, anyone who's reading this and wants to go fishing with me at night, please let me know! tonight's high tide is at 9pm, so i suppose friday-sunday night will be a good time to do some fishing and killing of time. =>
yesterday was as uneventful too. i went to CGH to have a medical checkup to see if i am fit enough to do a clinical trial. yup, u heard me. i am putting myself through some medical experiments, for the sake of money. i'm pretty desperate eh? i'm suppose to pop a single dosage of medicine that is for high-blood pressure and see how my body reacts to the drug. and thru out the 4D/3N experiment, the nurses will be taking my blood and urine sample. simple as that eh. (though there's bout 10-12 blood and urine samples to be taken each) but during the medical checkup, the nurse who was suppose to draw my blood sample encountered some problem. the veins on my arm were too small due to the air-con. and they had to poke me with the syringe 3 times!!! twice on my left arm and once on my right arm. and that's not all!!! the nurse even had to adjusted the syringe while the the needle was in my vein a few times just to get the blood!!! and i felt giddy after the 2nd poke, i don't know why i felt giddy either. maybe it's becoz i was hungry, or becoz i was looking downwards when the nurse was drawing my blood... so the next time, don't look down when the nurse is drawing blood. not becoz the blood will scare u, but becoz you may feel giddy. => but i ended the day with durians for supper!!! yummy! i needed the proteins to replenish the lost blood anyway. =>

Saturday, June 12, 2004

today today today

it's friday, 11th of june! exactly a week after my exams! but honestly, i'm already very bored of it. so heck the holidays, weekly drinking parties and Euro2004! i need a temp job coz i need the cash and if anyone who's reading this has one, please call me!!! loveya!

i went out with my best friend jodie today and she reminded me to post the following in my blog or it will not count! firstly, she wants me to say that she's very generous becoz we had a deal and the deal is that she will be paying for a table during my wedding dinner. jodie, i hope you are happy after reading this! but it has only been 4 months since i last saw her and mine! she's changed alot! she's darker and got longer hair! while waiting for jodie at the mrt station, i saw a dark-coloured little girl with big eyes looking at me! and i thought to myself, who the heck is that! and it turned out to be my dear friend jodie! who has big eyes, but coloured hair and very very very much darker skin! in fact, she's darker than me! haha. anyway, after a whole day of lunching, chatting and window shopping.. i dedicate this paragraph to u ok?

and in the evening, i met ben for dinner and drink at a Irish Pub in town. and the beer is pretty cheap and good. $10 for a mug of stout during happy hour and we each had two mugs. and we got to know some ang mohs. let's see, the owner of the place called is adrian i think. and there were 2 richards, one of them is from london and he is a photographer. the other is from melbourne and is doing something related to SAP. and there was this girl, danny, who says that she does not have a hometown coz she has been moving ard. and there's also paul, a drummer from Ireland. i hope that the next time i am back there, i will bump into them again.

that's all for tonight, time to hit the bed. it has been a long but fruitful day.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

another boring day...

what do u do when it's the holidays and u got no money to go out???
here's what i did so far:
1. i packed all my notes aside, either to be thrown away or given to my friends.

2. i clean my room and pack things nicely, but i think i still have alot of things to throw away coz i don't have much space left.

3. i went through my wardrobe and decided that although i have 10 pairs of jeans, i only have one very nice pair of fitting jeans, and the rest will be thrown away or mothballed soon. as for tops, only a few nice ones too.

4. i need a completely new wardrobe and that's what i am going to spend my money on next!

5. i surfed the net on men's fashion and here's wat i learnt and want:
a- for a basic business wardrobe: 2 blazers, 3 dressy pants, 3 or 4 white business shirt + one french blue business shirt and 2-3 different ties. and you have 'button down', 'regular straight point', 'pin', 'windsor', 'spread', 'tab' collar to choose from. different collars for different body-build and facial shape.
*how bout a Brioni suit, forget bout the Hugo Boss!!! it's the ferrari of suits*
b- as for bottoms: u have pants, jeans, khakis, chinos, corduroys...
c- then you have the shoes: oxford shoes, derby shoes, boat shoes, loafers, sneakers...
d- the only jewellery a man should have is his watch and that brings us to watches. sports watch, dressy watch, trendy casual watch, every day casual watch and all-round watch.

i will need the complete business wardrobe with regular straight point collar shirts (i like Hugo Boss shirt coz they are a perfect fit), a pair of straight-cut denim blue jeans, a pair of oxford shoes and boat shoes and and an all-round chronometer watch. and a pair of chinos or a pair khakis, some t-shirts, polos & shirts and socks too.
any sponsors out there? please email me!!!

time for me to sleep! i got reservist tomolo!

Friday, June 04, 2004

ole! ole! ole!

it's finally over! i've finished my exams and completed my degree! well, sort of, got to wait till i get my results to know how i fair. but i think i should be able to get a second lower class but i am hoping for a second upper class.
and once again, the paper was easy, BUT, i was only able to do 3 out of the required 4 confidently! and i smoked the remaining question! =) in fact, i came out after 2 hours into the 3-hour paper. but overall, i think i should be able to score well.
it's has already been 4 hours after my exams, and wat i did is:
went to 'crystal jade' for lunch but too bad their didn't have much 'dim sum' left... and i came home after that and had my nap... and i just woke up and i can't wait for tonight's after-the-exam drinking session! woohoo!
and i shall keep ya updated bout my day!

Thursday, June 03, 2004


well well well. the very last exam paper has finally arrive. i am not prepared for the paper yet, but i'm glad that it has arrive and after 1pm tomolo, exam will officially be over for me!
CF today was an easy paper. not that i can score an A, but it's relatively more simple than last year's for sure. but i do hope i can get a B for this one.
right now, i am feeling so excited! =) can't describe this feeling that i have, but it's just good. very good. never felt this happy in quite a while. but after some time, when i've gotten over the exams, it will be back to reality. but meanwhile, I AM SMILING!!!
*maybe the whole world smile with me*
but now, it's time to sleep before i wake up and study again later...

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

one of those rare sleepless night

damn it. i slept too early just now and i'm worrying too much bout the final papers coz here i am, at 3am in the morning, sitting in front of the computer writing my blog becoz i couldn't sleep. how pathetic! well, at least the headache which i had earlier is gone.

hmmm... i wonder if i'll have such sleepless nights when i am in london... missing my family and friends... going to london and staying there for a year should be fun and exciting... but there's always this element of uncertainty and the great unknown of finding a job, moving ard the city/countries, meeting new people and making new friends. the more i think of it, the more i like the idea but at the same time, the more questions i have in my mind too =>

but before london, let's settle the short term event. i've got one more day to study for my corporate finance and management science method papers which are on thursday and friday respectively. and friday's me birthday. what a way to end the exams. but as usual i told my mum i won't be celebrating my birthday. but the plan for friday is boozing to celebrate the end of the exams! YAHOO!

time to hit the bed... and i wish that i will dream of my wife-to-be tonight. hahaha. coolz!