Wednesday, August 30, 2006

calling it a day

thank you all for supporting my blog, but i've decided to call it a day for now.

so, seeya in Singapore.

short, sweet and simple! that's the way i like it!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

goodbye card

i never had a goodbye card given to me before until today.
it's a nice card. with a picture of a kitten standing on top of a luggage and 2 roses sandwiched between them.

and at the back, it's a print out of every individual's face pieced together from the company's personel database.
Paul, Stephen, Daniel, Anita, Inne, Maranatha, Paula, Jamie, Daniel, Melanie, Petra, Geert, Sarah, Muzy, Patrick, Angela, Lynette, Simi, Vee, Jenna, Chris, Richard, Carol, Tidi, Fabios, Michelle and me! oh, Rachel, Natasha, Simon, Adam, Scott are not included coz they are new staff or requested their photos not to be made available on the website.

my new nick names written on the card:
Cider Drinking Hooligan, Burger Face, Melvin 'two pints' Lee, gambler...

there were some 'dodgy' pictures and video of me last night with 2 girls in my arms and pole dancing. that's what 5 pints, 5 shots and JD coke does to you. you dont remember much.

i'll miss these colleagues. erm, how many times have i said it before? =)

cant talk anymore, got to pack... yes, i havent pack for my trip and i'm flying off in 9 hours' time.

Friday, August 18, 2006

last day tomorrow

went drinking with my colleagues just now... man, they were all out to get me drunk.
we went to our USUAL water hole, to Strawberry moon then to Yates.

no idea how many pints and shots i had... but i am pretty tipsy right now and i am unable to pack for my trip to Russia. trying to cook dinner now and let's hope that i dont create a mess.

i am quite sure my colleague asked the 2 girls to dance with me at Yates. i asked how old they were, and if i remember their answer correctly , they just finish studying, so i assume they had their A level results today which makes them 18 years old. *cradle snatcher?*

erm, i'll post the pics if i can get them from my colleague =)
i'm not a flirt, i just like to have fun.

other things:
i started drinking this afternoon.

the new girl is alright.

free drinks on the 31st of August.

i'm assigned a really shitty brand and i'm trying my best to sort it out.

i'm pissed right now.

i'll blog when i have the time, otherwise, i'll probably see u guys in Singapore.

signing off, Melvin, the pissed head.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

2 more days of work! HOOYA!

yet there's still so much to do, so little time...


some things are just weird...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

a nice evening

i had a nice evening today. went to London Bridge to meet a friend near her workplace and had dinner at an italian restaurant called Strada.

it's a nice place. the evening view of the river and London Bridge in the background. and it's not noisy even when everyone in the restaurant is conversing.

we talked bout our travel experiences, our tuition days and our dreamed and planned destinations over some wine, linguine and chocolate dessert.

she looks exactly the same as 12 years ago the way i remembered her. didnt change much, even the way she talks. haha.

after our conversation, she makes me wanna stay in london for a couple more years to visit more places.

it's really nice to catch up with long lost friend and chit chat over a good meal.

Monday, August 14, 2006


went to bed at 10pm.
and i just got woken up by an asshole who was singing at 1am!

luckily i got woken up as well, coz there was an entry that wasnt supposed to be posted. *phew* hope no one saw that entry.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

one week to go


i really hate to leave next week! not becoz of the job but becoz of the people!
i'm already starting to miss the boyz and girlz.
a week before i leave and everyone is saying that they cant believe that i am leaving andi cant believe that i am leaving them too!
ARGH! i'll really miss this bunch of people!

i heard that my replacement is a cross-eyed girl from south africa who will be starting on monday. that will be interesting.
the boyz are planning to have drinks every night till thursday becoz i will not be available on friday.
my official farewell drinks is thursday with Maranatha coz she's leaving as well. she did something funny today. she went all the way into the pantry, grab me by my arm, drag me to her desk and asked me to fixed her mouse coz i removed her mouse ball and she doesnt know how to fixed it. haha. blonde!
tuesday is my farewell lunch.
J is not ard coz he'll be in Greece but we'll have a session when i return from Russia.

*hate to be so sentimental*
but that's how i am

Friday, August 11, 2006


it just dawn upon me that i've alot of things to do before i leave!

i need to plan the initerary for Russia by tomorrow!
i need to change 1000 pounds into russian roubles... which is bout 46,000 roubles! WOOHOO!
i need to pack and move out of the current place by the end of the month! and my room is in a mess!
i need to pack 20kg of stuff and pass it to Billy!
and i need to book my flight to Turkey or else, i cant fly back to Singapore from Istanbul!

just found out that i can fly into Izmir on the 4th or 6th of Sep for 44 pounds and make my way to Selcuk to visit Ephesus. then i can travel all the way back to Izmir and take a overnight ferry into Istanbul which i think is pretty cool. or i could take a bus to Istanbul if dont want to pay 60 pounds for a ferry.

the only problem is that the flights land at freaking unfriendly hours and i've having a headache planning the most convenient route. 10 euros for a night in Selcuk bloody cheap. i dont mind spending more time in Selcuk and chill.

i shall wait for the reply regarding the ferry before i make my next move. they better reply soon!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My Burger Theory

i came up with this burger theory as i was making my way home on the bus.

as most of you know that i am crazy, please do not believe and accept everything that i am going to say.

christian life should be like a burger!

you can have the beef patty, chicken breast meat, tomato, lettuce, pickle, ketchup, fish and anything you want, but everything is sandwiched between the bread.

the everything are the things in life. situations, circumstances, trials... you get what i mean.

the bread is the word of God, the bread of life.

no matter what happens in life, if everything is sandwiched between the bread, i believe that everything will be fine.

another one of my crazy theory.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


i've done no work at all today!

started the day surfing the net to update myself on computer stuff coz i'll be assembling a PC when i return to Singapore. i think i will get the cool red-coloured MSI mainboard that supports the P865 chipset. it's not the newest motherboard and chipset but at least it's affordable. and i'll get hard-disk that cost in the region of $100, and given the price, that means i should be getting 160GB. i shall use my old monitor, RAM and graphic card for now till they get on my nerves for being too slow.

i also considered putting some money into shares or a financial product as a long-term investment. therefore, i'm not going spend too much money on computer and doing up my room.

while looking for jobs, i happen to chance upon some jobs in the civil service sector.
someone told me that i should try working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since i like to travel. why not right, since i am looking for a job, so i tried. shucks, no opening for the position which i wanted. but i was directed to a website to enter my particulars so that they can keep me posted on available positions. this website is not only the job database for MFA but for all civil service jobs.

i came across this pretty interesting job.
job title: Liaison and Info Management Officer
you'll work in the Prime Minister's Office under the Administrative & Corporate Services.
job description is as follow:
Candidate will hold 2 portfolios in the Joint Counter Terrorism Centre (JCTC): As a Liaison officer, the candidate will be responsible in forging links and working closely with domestic agencies both inside and outside the local intelligence/security community; in addition, he/she will maintain links with foreign security agencies, the academic community and think tanks to support JCTC's research functions. He/She will see to the planning and arrangement of logistical support for liaison engagements and overseas visits and study trips for JCTC officers. As an Information Management Officer, this candidate is tasked in overseeing and shaping the information management/file registry functions in JCTC, including the supervision of a team of corporate support staff. He/she is responsible in driving and shaping the electronic information management system and providing support for the administration and IT functions for the JCTC team.

damn interesting and i like it. too bad i am not able to apply for the post. i think i lack the work experience.

i dont mind working for the govt. as long as it's interesting. i dont think i am cut out to be an analyst because i dont have good writing skills. i am confident of my security clearence because of my NS record. i dare say i can handle any job. just give me the proper training and i'll give you my best. my officers said that i was the best aircrew loadmaster, my current manager says that i was doing 2 person's job in payroll, my music director trust me with the sound system, of course i dare say i am good.

ok, enough of bragging, i shall have my dinner first before deciding if i should blog more later...

Monday, August 07, 2006

things to do with August 9

let's talk bout my friend Augustine, since his birthday is the 9th of August.

i got to know him and Iggy when we were studying in SIM.
because i didnt know anyone in SIM, i had to make friends from scratch when school started. they were from my HRM class and because they were always late, they were quite prominent! (though 2 guys always coming in and going out together also gave others the wrong impression... if you know what i mean) one day, during the break, i went up to them, intro myself and started chit chat. as usual, with my easy going personality, i can chat with anyone =)

we became friends.

in the same class, there were these 4 girls who were always moving in and out together and sitting in front of us. (well, the reason is becoz i always happen to choose the seats behind them. you know how it's like, after 1-2 lessons, if someone always sits on the same seat, it's the unspoken rule that's his seat) each of us has different opinion who's the prettiest with one girl to spare. we were always looking over their shoulders coz we need to see the screen. and one day, we came up with a very lame idea to talk to them. i really forgot what the lame idea was, but it probably came from me. haha. it was fun coz we got to know 4 girls with one lame idea. haha. i'll ask the girls what it was when i go back to Singapore.

school aside, we used to played badminton twice a week, go out for supper and watch MAN U matches together. it was good to see Man U beat Charlton and Leeds beat Arsenal that season.

one of the many crazy thing we did was during christmas. 3 of us and one of their friend played drinking games. the rules were made up by me!
it's basically blackjack and the loser will have to drink a sip.
each player will take turn to be the dealer.
if someone gets a blackjack, the dealer will drink half the cup. if someone gets 2 Aces, the dealer will drink the whole cup. otherwise, it's just a sip.
one of the rule which were added later was if someone gets 16 points and the dealer loses, he has to be the dealer for an additional round.
it was fun and crazy. it's always fun and crazy with me ard!
and when someone needs to use the toilet, you pour more liqour without his knowledge and the night can only gets crazier!

drinking is one thing, but drinking games are the best!
Happy Birthday Auggy.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

i set a new record

i did not watch tv for 5 days! it's quite a record for me! ever since i moved into the room, all i did was stay in the room nap, surf the net and sleep. it reminds me of the room i had in Singapore. it was almost self-sufficient. there's a bed, tv and computer in the room. every thing you need for you to be alone and quiet. 2 more weeks of this, i am already enjoying it.

here's what i think a guy should have in his room:
whether it's a tennis ball, baseball, football, rugby ball a guy just needs a ball at home. so that when he's bored, he can throw the ball ard. like that episode of Friends where they threw a ball ard the house for hours!
and just after i typed this, i threw the ball on the floor, it bounced up, hit the edge of the table and it flew into the other set of balls! *cough*

i cant really think of what else guy SHOULD have in his room.
i need a few bottles of hard liqour (JD or Chivas will do), a pack of cards (i had 5 pack in Singapore because i used to play cards every night from 10pm to 5am which is why i am so good in tai-de right?) dumb-bells, a cool entertainment system (tv, dvd player and sound-system)...

hmmm, i dont know what else to ramble bout. ta people. seeya in Singapore.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

i drink too much

i got pissed at the pub with the usual suspects + newbie, went bowling, fell down on the bowling lane but i got a strike and hurt my ankle... my ankle is cursed. it's permanently injured.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

today today

"Melvin, how many pay-slips will you be getting after this?"
"3 more after this, Bernie"
*less than 100 hours of work before i leave my current job*

3x paper-cuts today, one which was esp deep, not so good.
but it cant be compared to Jamie! crazy bastard! Stephen and Jamie have been licking and sucking 'jawbreakers' for the past 2 days till their tongue bleed! and that didnt stop them! it's disgusting when J licked the Jawbreaker and he showed me the bloody sweet!

12 more days of work (unless i decide to call in sick next friday and do some travelling over the weekend with Billy)
2 more major payrolls

final destinations: Windsor Castle, Moscow, St Petersburg & Istanbul.

but now, i need to try to sleep early. i still havent been sleep well.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

abit of Edinburgh

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


pondering bout my life and my next move

i've been trying to upload the pictures from my Edinburgh trip, but the freaking internet is so damn slow that i gave up. i shall blog instead.

Leon's has left the building. too bad i didnt get to say goodbye, but i guess if he's in KL, it will be pretty easy to meet up. i'll get a superbike, ride really fast and i can get from Singapore to KL in 3 hours.

oh, i have invaded his room. it's a tiny room, but i needed the privacy. sitting in a room, with 4 walls and a closed door, i wonder how come i didnt miss the privacy which i didnt have living in the living room. before i came to london, i was always in my room when i am at home. i got the internet, a 21 inch tv and that's really all i do at home. nvm, i have the next 3 weeks to make up for lost privacy.

for now, i'm just going to enjoy my privacy...