Saturday, August 19, 2006

goodbye card

i never had a goodbye card given to me before until today.
it's a nice card. with a picture of a kitten standing on top of a luggage and 2 roses sandwiched between them.

and at the back, it's a print out of every individual's face pieced together from the company's personel database.
Paul, Stephen, Daniel, Anita, Inne, Maranatha, Paula, Jamie, Daniel, Melanie, Petra, Geert, Sarah, Muzy, Patrick, Angela, Lynette, Simi, Vee, Jenna, Chris, Richard, Carol, Tidi, Fabios, Michelle and me! oh, Rachel, Natasha, Simon, Adam, Scott are not included coz they are new staff or requested their photos not to be made available on the website.

my new nick names written on the card:
Cider Drinking Hooligan, Burger Face, Melvin 'two pints' Lee, gambler...

there were some 'dodgy' pictures and video of me last night with 2 girls in my arms and pole dancing. that's what 5 pints, 5 shots and JD coke does to you. you dont remember much.

i'll miss these colleagues. erm, how many times have i said it before? =)

cant talk anymore, got to pack... yes, i havent pack for my trip and i'm flying off in 9 hours' time.


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