Sunday, August 06, 2006

i set a new record

i did not watch tv for 5 days! it's quite a record for me! ever since i moved into the room, all i did was stay in the room nap, surf the net and sleep. it reminds me of the room i had in Singapore. it was almost self-sufficient. there's a bed, tv and computer in the room. every thing you need for you to be alone and quiet. 2 more weeks of this, i am already enjoying it.

here's what i think a guy should have in his room:
whether it's a tennis ball, baseball, football, rugby ball a guy just needs a ball at home. so that when he's bored, he can throw the ball ard. like that episode of Friends where they threw a ball ard the house for hours!
and just after i typed this, i threw the ball on the floor, it bounced up, hit the edge of the table and it flew into the other set of balls! *cough*

i cant really think of what else guy SHOULD have in his room.
i need a few bottles of hard liqour (JD or Chivas will do), a pack of cards (i had 5 pack in Singapore because i used to play cards every night from 10pm to 5am which is why i am so good in tai-de right?) dumb-bells, a cool entertainment system (tv, dvd player and sound-system)...

hmmm, i dont know what else to ramble bout. ta people. seeya in Singapore.


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