Friday, June 03, 2005

4 more hours before the weekend...

i turned 21 years-old 5 years minus 1 day ago. and honestly, age is just a number and number is just an ecstasy. at any point in time, you are never the age that you really want to be.

and moving on, i watched 'The Godfather' on tv last night. it's a damn good show. it joins the rank of the top 10 movies that one must watch. right now, my top 10 must watch movies will be The Godfather, Casablanca, Gladiator, Usual Suspect, Love Actually, 4 Weddings and A Funeral, Die Hard. i'm not sure if i should add Pay It Forward, Die Hard, Blackhawk Down, Air Force One, As Good As It Gets, Top Gun and others into the list... hmmm.

Got to know someone on friendster who's from Singapore in london right now learning horse riding. how cool. i always wanted to learn how to ride a horse. hehe. and now, i have the 'connections'.

gtg, it's going to be a long long 4 hours... but i've started waiting for the weekend since 12pm on wed. =)


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