Tuesday, August 16, 2005

computer problems

i've spent more time fixing the damn computer than on anything else. first, it crashed and i had to reinstall the O/S. then the system had tons of pop-ups and i had to install spybot and adware. and now, windows update installed XP service pack 2 and i can't used any program when i logged unto the internet and i had to un-install it. twice for F*** sake. F***ing fustrating and waste of time. and the driver or hardware for the sound is not working as well. I GIVE UP!

thank you Mr Aaron Lim for all the hard work in getting a place for us to stay.

the past 2 weeks has been eventful. meeting and catching up with friends from way way back and newly made ones as well. it's good to be back and be with friends and i wish that i'm not leaving again and be around with all of them. but that's not the way it is for another year.

i don't feel like saying more...


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