Tuesday, June 21, 2005

it was one hell of a saturday

saturday was one hell of a day for me.

i started the day with a one-hour bus ride all the way to Barnet to participate in my company's 5-aside football tournament.

after losing 10-2 to one of the teams during a friendly game on wed, the thought of winning the tournament wasn't the thing on the team's mind, but losing all 3 games in our group stage wasn't expected either.

we lost the first game 4-0 to the team who eventually became the tournament winner, so it wasn't really that bad right? we were leading 2-0 for the second game but somehow managed to loss 2-4 at the end. from then on, simple maths told us that we can't proceed to the quater-finals so we headed for the bar and started on the pints even before our last match was played.

i've never drank beer at 1pm in the afternoon and on a 30 degree day, it actually feels quite good. what the heck, beer always taste good and better than water anyway. and the fact that the tab is on the company's account, there wasn't a moment from 1pm to between 4-5pm when we had an empty glass or no drinks for more than 10 mins. we started on the beer, then the vodka redbull and after that it was beer on the left hand and vodka redbull on the right hand.

i was totally pissed and i had no idea how many drinks i had. but someone told me that i had at least 5 pints and 5 vodka redbull...

and since i was pissed, i pretty much can't remember the rest except that i was puking into a bag all the way home on the bus and when i got home, i was knocked out till 12am. and somewhere between 6:30pm and 12am, finn had to jab me 4 times before he got an answer if i wanted to go out for dinner. and btw, i don't even remember finn trying to wake me up nor answering him at all!

anyway, at the end of the day, the important thing is that the entire team had a good time. we laughed at each other's incident, esp mine, when i didn't see a damn powerful shot which hit my head and flew over a 20ft fence. the redness on our faces either from the sun or alcohol was funny as well.

well, i'm not sure if i'll ever have another saturday like last saturday but after all that's said and done, it's definately one those to remember for a long while to come.


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