Saturday, June 25, 2005

nice shoes

Friday, June 24, 2005

Top 100 from

a list of 99 most desirable women

too bad they don't have the Olsen twins...


Thursday, June 23, 2005


spending my time watching the days go by... you gotta love my job or the lack of it

counting down the days till my barcelona trip... you gotta be envy of me

had lunch at SUBWAY 4 days in a row... you gotta believe it

looking at pretty girls and long slim legs on the gotta love summer in london

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

it was one hell of a saturday

saturday was one hell of a day for me.

i started the day with a one-hour bus ride all the way to Barnet to participate in my company's 5-aside football tournament.

after losing 10-2 to one of the teams during a friendly game on wed, the thought of winning the tournament wasn't the thing on the team's mind, but losing all 3 games in our group stage wasn't expected either.

we lost the first game 4-0 to the team who eventually became the tournament winner, so it wasn't really that bad right? we were leading 2-0 for the second game but somehow managed to loss 2-4 at the end. from then on, simple maths told us that we can't proceed to the quater-finals so we headed for the bar and started on the pints even before our last match was played.

i've never drank beer at 1pm in the afternoon and on a 30 degree day, it actually feels quite good. what the heck, beer always taste good and better than water anyway. and the fact that the tab is on the company's account, there wasn't a moment from 1pm to between 4-5pm when we had an empty glass or no drinks for more than 10 mins. we started on the beer, then the vodka redbull and after that it was beer on the left hand and vodka redbull on the right hand.

i was totally pissed and i had no idea how many drinks i had. but someone told me that i had at least 5 pints and 5 vodka redbull...

and since i was pissed, i pretty much can't remember the rest except that i was puking into a bag all the way home on the bus and when i got home, i was knocked out till 12am. and somewhere between 6:30pm and 12am, finn had to jab me 4 times before he got an answer if i wanted to go out for dinner. and btw, i don't even remember finn trying to wake me up nor answering him at all!

anyway, at the end of the day, the important thing is that the entire team had a good time. we laughed at each other's incident, esp mine, when i didn't see a damn powerful shot which hit my head and flew over a 20ft fence. the redness on our faces either from the sun or alcohol was funny as well.

well, i'm not sure if i'll ever have another saturday like last saturday but after all that's said and done, it's definately one those to remember for a long while to come.

Friday, June 17, 2005

should i or should i not

wondering if i should squeeze in a trip to Hamburg before going back to Singapore.
16Jul to 17Jul
6:25am flight outbound and 22:40pm flight inbound for £43 including taxes but not the coach to Stansted...
wonder if it's abit too much of germany for me...

the effects of last night

flat 10 had something like 11 people at its peak yesterday - people were watching tv, multiple users were log onto the wireless network, 2 were packing for their trip to berlin, chatting and playing 'tai-de'.

slept at 3am last night

and the effects so far:
-2 cups of coffee already and i'm only an hour into work.
-feeling ok for now... but feeling hypoxic as well.
-and having nothing to do doesn't help.

boy, it's going to be a really long day.

My Travel Dreams

lately, i've been spending lots of time on the office computer surfing for places that i should visit. there are so many places that i want to visit but i think there are twice as many constraints!

i've decided to list the places which i'm thinking of visiting and the reason and maybe you could leave a comment and give me one or two reasons why i should or should not visit the place:

1. Prague in Sep because i think it's beautiful and the beer is cheap.

2. Riga in Oct because Latvia girls are hot... just kidding, i mean that's not the only reason why i wanna go there... anyway, pictures of the city on the internet seems pretty nice.

3. Athens in Apr/May is a must for me because i like to see ancient and historic monuments like those in Rome... and i would like to return to Rome as well.

4. I'm thinking of visiting Istanbul, Athens and Romania on a Balkan Pass because Istanbul is where East meets West and Romania because i wanna visit Transylvania and dracula house but this would require quite a number of days away from work and deprived of income. which means that the end of july or early august in 2006 would be a good time... depending on when am i going back to singapore.

5. i wanna go to monte carlo... but i can't think of a good reason to be there. coz i am not rich let alone filthy rich, which means i can't buy a house, car, yatch or a piece of land there.

6. i'll give the scandinavian countries a miss coz it's expensive and besides, i can opt to go when i'm older and richer and married.

7. give me a good reason to go croatia and budapest... i know that the seafood and beaches is nice in croatia but i don't want to go there just for that. if i want to go to the beach, i rather choose exotic places in Asia like Sabah, Sarawak, Maldives, thailand and do some diving as well. budapest will most probably be another prague...

8. i really really want to go to St Petersburg, but i'll need a visa the only way i can get a visa and visit the place is that if i join a tour group or get a russian to invit me to the country.

9. Eygpt will be nice as well. i can get to see the pyramids, the only original seven wonders of the world still 'alive' today. FYI, the other seven wonders are the hanging garden of babylon, temple of zeus, lighthouse of alexandria, a seven-wonder temple , some huge statue in rhode and another seven-wonder temple somewhere out there. <<>>

10. and there's always portugal and whatever it has to offer which means that i have no idea what it has to offer and the french, german, italian or swiss valleys and countryside.

is there any places that's a must-go which i have left out??? (btw, i've been to amsterdam, rhine valley, oktoberfest, vienna, venice, florence, rome, interlaken, paris, berlin and in 12 days time, barcelona. so please do not name these places)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

the weather's going to be lovely this weekend

this could be the first sign of 'divine' intervention!!!
Ho Ho Ho!

I've just received my jersey for this weekend's soccer tournament. it's an all black top and bottom and it reminds me of the all black 'evil' team in SHAOLIN SOCCER!

an hour and a half before bed time... and what's going to my mind

the first thing on my mind is, "damn it, i got to work tomolo and it better be smooth sailing!"

that aside, i took a day to decide before buying a copy of TWO, a bike magazine. it's the 50th edition of TWO and it brings back some good times that i had. the magazine is being published every month, therefore, a 50th edition means that it has been ard for 4 years and abit more that's when i bought my first copy of TWO . since i bought the first copy, i tried to buy every copy faithfully for the next 2 years. my good friend, Andy and I would always talked bout how we ended enrolling for motorcycle lessons when we were supposed to meet and study for the exams. we'll talk bout our dream bikes, all the technicals and specifications of different bikes, how our first bike performed or broke down and everything else bike that we could talk bout and for me, my belief that one should never take a picture of your bike or car because it's bad luck and you'll end up having an accident. i still very much love and miss riding a bike. i hope that in 5 years time, i can own a bike again, preferably a 400cc-1200cc bike. motorcycle and man, is as close as man and machine can gets!

moving on to some bad news, i just found out that the barcelona summer sales will most probably begin after i've left barcelona... damns. looks like i gotta keep my fingers crossed for a pre-summer sales sales!!!

work sucks... as usual. and i don't intend to talk bout it coz i always believe that one should not bring 'work' home... as if i don't get enough of it from 9-5.

this coming beautiful saturday, it should be beautiful coz the BBC weather forecast says that it's going to be a nice and sunny day with the temperature at ard 25 degree, it's my company's inter-department soccer tournament. it should be fun coz i am expecting it to be fun and more than that, if by any chance or divine intervention, my department wins the tournament, my manager is going to treat the team to a good lunch and all-expenses paid-for boozing session after the lunch. =) but first, i need to get a pair of shin-guards coz that's what i was told to get! man, this is going to be a battle! not that it's not possible to win the tournament, but it's always easier with divine intervention.

till next time...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

just another day at the office

i don't want to be a whiner, but i'm in pain. uncomfortable pain. *argh*

and let's see what's ard or not ard my desk:
-an empty desk to my right as Rosa's out for lunch.
-an empty coffee mug of my desk... it's usually filled with coffee made my Paul who's surfing the net right now... just like i am.
-the ass of a soft toy polar bear is staring me in the face for the past few days.
-the phone is to my left and the date is display as 9:06:05 and the time as 13:48
-nydia is out for lunch as well and she sits on my left.
-the window is bout 20 feet directly infront of me and all i can see other windows within my building. but i can see the nice sunshine illuminating outside.
-tons of post-it notes on my monitor screen. got a message to call Nicola, got the 4 letter code for my colleagues and some other messages to remind me of some work stuff.

i wonder what else can i blog till 5:30pm...

thursday blues

damns. the right side of my lower abs is in pain right now. i'm not sure if it's the stomach, liver or which ever body part that is. but i think it's time to eat healthier for the next 2-3 days. time for a detox.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

*Dedicated to those who had a part in it*

Thank You to everyone who had a part in my birthday celebration. It's a wondeful gesture, a very pleasant surprise and the company of all of you is more than i can ask for. The food and cake is great too!

time to make full use of my presents. play footie/frisbee with my NEW Red Adidas Boots, drink beer with my NEW Man U mug and spray my stinking shoes with my NEW shoe spray.

Friday, June 03, 2005

4 more hours before the weekend...

i turned 21 years-old 5 years minus 1 day ago. and honestly, age is just a number and number is just an ecstasy. at any point in time, you are never the age that you really want to be.

and moving on, i watched 'The Godfather' on tv last night. it's a damn good show. it joins the rank of the top 10 movies that one must watch. right now, my top 10 must watch movies will be The Godfather, Casablanca, Gladiator, Usual Suspect, Love Actually, 4 Weddings and A Funeral, Die Hard. i'm not sure if i should add Pay It Forward, Die Hard, Blackhawk Down, Air Force One, As Good As It Gets, Top Gun and others into the list... hmmm.

Got to know someone on friendster who's from Singapore in london right now learning horse riding. how cool. i always wanted to learn how to ride a horse. hehe. and now, i have the 'connections'.

gtg, it's going to be a long long 4 hours... but i've started waiting for the weekend since 12pm on wed. =)