Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Miss Universe

MIss Universe 2005 is Miss Canada!

i was right bout Miss Dominican Republic in the Miss Universe. She made it to the finals.
i had my eyes on Miss Canada and Miss Puerto Rico too, but i didn't want to be a buaya and name too many girls.


i better get back to work...
hope my dvds have arrive today...

Saturday, May 28, 2005

telephone fraud

Telephone Fraud27/05/05 08:58 AMWe have been advised of a telephone fraud currently in operation - this applies to home and work telephones, landlines and mobiles.
If you receive one of these calls, on answering you will hear a recorded message congratulating you on winning an all expenses trip to an exotic location. You will then be asked to press 9 to hear further details. If you press 9 you will be connected to a premium rate line that costs approximately £20 per minute. Even if you disconnect immediately, it will remain connected for a minimum of 5 minutes costing around £100. The final part of the call involves you being asked to key in your postcode and house number which has other serious consequences. After a further 2 minutes you will receive a message informing you that you are not one of the lucky winners. The total bill by then will be £100.
Since the calls originate from outside the UK, BT and other telephone companies are left relatively powerless to act. The only safe solution is to HANG UP before the message prompts you to press 9, even safer HANG UP on any unsolicited 'free offer calls'.
There is another scam operating via mobile phones. A missed call comes up, the number is 0709 020 3840, the last four numbers may vary, but the first four will remain the same. If you call this number back you will be charged £50 per minute.
People have complained about their phone bills, once they have realised the cost of the call, but apparently this is completely legal. So beware, do not call back numbers beginning with '0709'.

Friday, May 27, 2005


let me clarify that when i said that i have sworn off footie for 364 days, i meant watching footie on tv at home or in a pub. it does not mean that i'll not play any more football nor go to a football match if any love/darling or angel out there invites me to football match. and hell i'll try to get the quarter-final tickets in hamburg for world cup 2006 even though prices are ard 650 euros on the 'black market'. and i hope, i really hope that AC MILAN will be in next year's champions league final and that i'll be able to watch them on tv once again and they can go and win it. (in fact, if i'm not wrong, AC MILAN has won every alternate CL final that it had appeared in so far)

i must really try getting yesterday's match off my mind! it's affecting me quite badly. it's sort of like a bad break-up. i think i need some sort of therapy.

Miss Dominic Republic looks quite pretty. i hope that she makes it to the last 16 of Miss Universe held at the end of the month in Bangkok.

work is still the same. busy at the beginning of the week till 12pm on wed. and after that, it's a game of trying to act busy and surfing the net till 5pm on friday. i don't think i can ever find such a working environment else where.

i believe that the next james bond will be an absolute joke. all the previous actor except timothy dalton were good. then again, a bond girl is not as glamourous as it used to be anyway.

we can tolerate a casino on our island but not bad-mouthing our govt. so i guess all the ah-peks who hangs out at the coffeeshops, taxi drivers and wet-market stall holders will be next in line for a hefty fine or jail sentence...maybe Singaporeans should adapt a STAND-UP and SPEAK-UP campaign.

i support capital punishment in the judical system in my country. i'll back my country if any asshole humanity-righteous activist criticizes the validity of capital punishment in my country. the low number of murders, gun-related incidents and drugs-crimes is a damn good validity if you ask me. in fact, i wish there's capital murder for rape as well.
and how bout banishing someone to take public transport if he/she is CAUGHT drink-driving or has injured/killed someone while driving recklessly. banish someone for life if it's a damn serious offence. and please confiscate the car as well.

so kids nowadays are smarter, they can most probably take the GCSE O level paper which i took when they are still single-digit age and score better than me. but is that really all we want for our future generations? what happen to respect to teachers and parents and responsibilities. my teacher was allowed to cane me then but i'm pretty damn sure that any teacher who does that now will be ushered to the gates of the school and sued by the parents as well. i'm worried for the future generation. a generation that does not have respect, integrity, loyalty and fillial. 10-20 years from now, we might start all over again with the basic courtesy campaign for a brand new generation.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

i absolutely cannot believe it

hey boys and girls this is definately my last posting on soccer for the next 364 days. so bear with me if i am alittle long-winded or if i get too emotionally.

Champions League final between AC MILAN and Liverpool.

AC MILAN was simply breath-taking during the first half. but i don't know what the F*** happened in the dressing room during half-time and the rest is history.

In one word, Liverpool was SHIT in the first half. And as we all know by now, they are the Champions of Europe 2004/2005. I refuse to say that Liverpool has won the title, they simply got the title.

God knows what happened yesterday night at Istanbul, but i can tell you that i had nightmare bout the match when i slept last night. esp the scene when the linesman flagged for offside and it wasn't given and the fifth goal was scored shortly after that.

I'm simply disappointed, disgusted and devastated by last night's match. in fact, i can almost cry.

and since last night was the last football match for 2004/2005 and i have sworn off football for 2005/2006, i think it's time to look for a new game. feel free to give you few pences worth of suggestions.

i've already thought of knitting, cooking, sewing, horse riding, gardening, personal grooming... the future has so much in store for me!!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

things better start improving!!!

my week is still sucky but it wasn't as bad as it had first began.

watching MAN U play in the FA Cup final appropriately summed up their season this year. tons of chances but the finishing touch just wasn't there. well folks, that's my last english football match for awhile till MAN U is a public listed company again.

I had my first jog in london at lincoln's inn field yesterday. wasn't too bad. 5 rounds ard the park without stopping and i hope i wasn't too slow. part of the reason i went for a jog was also because i wanted vent my 'fustration' at work at jogging... didn't really help though. and i need to find something to do tonight coz i don't think i can run this evening...

bout the DVD thingy that my sister posted... i am still not in the mood to do it. but i will just list out all my favourite movies: blackhawk down, full metal jacket, air force one, saving private ryan, pearl harbour, as good as it gets, the usual suspects, casablanca, apocalypse now, indiana jones and the last crusade, star wars 4-6, shaolin soccer, gladiator, master and command, topgun, one flew over the cuckoo's nest, leon, saving private ryan, die hard 1-3, the day after tomorrow, shrek, monster inc, the mummy, the negotiator, the fugitive, love actually, the hunt for red october, all Tom Clancy movies with Dr Jack Ryan execpt The Sum of All Fears... btw, i didn't watch Forrest Gump, Cast Away, Schindler's List, the incredibles...

gtg, lunch's over... somebody please offer me a job as a financial institution researcher!!!

btw, if AC Milan loses tomorrow, my prediction for UEFA final, FA CUP final and Champions League Final will all be wrong! and maybe it's a sign to give up footie!!!

Friday, May 20, 2005

In My Absolutely Foulest Mood For 2005 So Far!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

i've decided...

I've decided that the FA Cup final between Man U and Arsenal this weekend will be the last English football match that i'll be watching for the rest of my life as long as Glazer controls 75% of the shares or more in Manchester United. period.

i found out today that my leave for 25th Aug till 9th of Sep was not approved because there're already 2 person who have applied for leave during that period. this sucks! but it's not the end of the world! oh well, i guess i'll be returning to Singapore a few weeks earlier, catch the national day parade, eat, drink and party much earlier!

i did something pretty crazy recently. i spent 150 pounds on DVDs. i've never bought any DVD before in my life, nor do i have a DVD ROM on my computer at home nor DVD player. ok! i have a DVD player here in london, but no in Singapore and the one here was given to my sister by my uncle, so technically, i don't own any DVD player.
if you are wondering why the heck in the world did i do it! then, WHY NOT!
yes, it's abit rash and it's a one of those moments thingy!
but hey, if it makes me happy right and why not!
and they are good DVDs!
Casablanca, The Godfather trilogy, The Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, The Shawshank Redemption, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Bon Jovi's This Left Feels Right and The Crush Tour, Michael Jackson Number Ones and Eric Clapton.
good stuff that are worth collecting!

alright, i gtg... i actually didn't feel like blogging... and i still don't... seeya guys.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

9pm, slouching on the couch....

i decided to give my blog and my berlin trip alittle more credit, so here i am, alittle after 9pm, with a bowl of cookie and cream ice cream on the table and the telly switched on... i'll try to pen my blog as interestingly as i can.

firstly, the ice cream is fantastic and i'll most probably go for a second helping but the tv program sucks!

anyway, i made a 3-day trip to berlin on the not so budget airline, Ryanair on 28th of Apr. i made the trip all by myself coz my colleague couldn't make it. i'm fine with travelling by myself, the only thing is that the photos i took will not have me appear in them. my favourite building in berlin is the berlin catherdral. no particular reason, but it's sort of a love at first sight. the usual standard tourist sights are the reichstag, brandeburg gate, checkpoint charlie, the new guardhouse, the university, the tv tower, the new synagogue... but i'll say that the pergamon museum is a must visit on thurs after 6pm when entry is free! i honestly didn't know bout this till i happened to there at the right place at the right time! too bad for me, the Schloss Bellevue and Bode museum that i wanted very much to visit are closed for renovation! =( i also visited the Deutsches Historisches museum and the current exhibition then was bout berlin during and after WW2. and if u are into shopping, how bout a mile of shops along Kurfurstendamn and the Kadewe is a must go! it's the Harrods of Germany! and when you are sitting down enjoying a meal, the berliner weisse is a must try. it's a nice drink and that's all i'll tell u! but looking back, i wished i didn't walk 8-10 hours every day coz i had no energy left on my final day to visit the jewish museum, treptower park and the berlin zoo. my insider guide: visit the pergamon museum on thur after 6pm, visit kurfurstendamn on a sat, have a little picnic on the grass facing the reichstag which i think i pretty cool and what i always do if you are adventurous enough is walk out of the tourist area and walk along the residential areas and see a different part of the town. that's my berlin for you.

work is still the same, 3-4 cups of coffee every day, lunch is at harry ramsden or subway or warwick or the crown... i am now doing the payroll for people under the london and scotland region. a little more responsibilties than when i first started, more work but i'm not conplaining, beats having nothing to do. wed is soccer 'training' at hyde park with my colleagues before the internal soccer competition towards mid-june. i always look forward to soccer except that my previous pair of NEW BALANCE ankle guards were torn and i just got a new pair coz i sprained my ankle when i tried playing without the guards last week.

and did i mention that frisbee is the latest craze in my household and with a number of OCFers. a couple of hours on sat morning will be spend at Lincoln's Inn playing frisbee... pretty hard core eh.

it's 9:45 now... let me get a second serving of ice first...

no idea what to blog

here i am, sitting in front of the computer blogging for the sake of blogging. then again, there's really nothing much to do after a hard day's work. no soccer tonight, no beer, nothing interesting or exciting really.

i spent a few days in berlin recently and i love the place. to me, berlin is a place that's always under construction. the town is constantly rebuilding its decaying monuments from previous decades of neglect. if you are visiting europe, the top 3 places will be ROME, BERLIN and PARIS for now. but i am sure PRAGUE, MONTE CARLO OR BARCELONA will beat PARIS. but i gotta say that my trip was eventful. it was close to the the 60th anniversary of VE day and i learnt alot bout one the darkest period in modern day Europe.

so, i've finally went for my first trip since i've arrived in London. the trip to paris with my mum and sister doesn't really counts coz i've been there before! the next destination is barcelona! i've heard that the food and shopping there is great! =) i'm so looking forward to it.

for now, it's back to simple practical reality. which i have absolutely no problem with. =)
till next time! when AC MILAN will thrash LIVERPOOL or something that excits me happen!!!