Saturday, February 12, 2005

another week without soccer

-Venessa from a recruitment agency called me on wed and offer me a job in some recruitment agency along The Strand. it's the same job and it pays a quid higher but i have to start work on fri or monday. i told her that i have to think bout it and talked to my manager because of the short notice period. my manager asked me why am i leaving and do i not like my current work place. i told her that i like the current place very much but i also needed the money. so she said that she wants me to stay but she needs to talk to another manager bout offering me a job in another department which also means higher pay. blar blar blar, so now, here i am, starting a different job on monday with a 2 weeks trial period before it's confirmed. *thank you God for the opportunity and i hope that it will work out well*

-throat's abit dry... need to drink tons more water

-i'm already looking for new housemates for the next tenancy... CPH is central, near to my workplace, church and chinatown. but it's abit steep, abit too noisy. i need something cheaper... say 360 quid per month???

-found out last night that Tze and Linli are divers too. we talked quite abit bout diving last night and i so wanna do a few dives right in Koh Tao or Koh Nangyuan where the water is crystal clear and there's colourful corals, beautiful fishes and maybe whale sharks to see!!!

-looking back, i gotta say that my sats have been very quiet even with footies on sat eversince i went to white hart lane and had a few round of beers at a few pubs last sat.

-played majhong again last night and conclusion is that u definately need the 'animals' when u play Singapore style majhong. and although i know what's the winning tiles that people want, i still continue to throw the winning tile. i better stop this bad habit of casual playing in case i play with money again.

-1:20pm... let's check to score for everton vs chelsea!!!



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