Friday, February 04, 2005

alittle perspective of life

there's something bout life that i find intriguing...

a man from South America, who left home and has been in London for 6-8 years.
a woman from Eastern Europe, who gave up a good job in her home country and come to London to seek better life.
another man from South Africa, who hates his country, comes to London and doesn't want to return to his native land
yet another man from Singapore, who came to London just to experience life...

yes. i am that man from Singapore. the reason i applied for the working holiday visa is that i wanted travel, see the world/europe, be independant and experience life. i wanted to go to exotic places, places where the normal travel agencies do not bring you to and see lots of things. i wanted to be independant. pay my rent, cook my own meals, do my own dishes and all the other household chores. i just wanted to be different and experience life. but now, i felt that there's more to life than be able to do all these. there's nothing wrong to be doing a working-holiday, in fact, i think it's good and i encourage it. but the more important thing is to be able to see, know and compare people's life in perspective. the knowledge that you are much more blessed than others, being thankful and grateful for it and showing compassion, love and care to the rest of the people out there. i think that's the lesson that everyone must experience or at least know.

if i have to go back to singapore right now and not be able to visit barcelona, prague or anywhere and be stuck in singapore for the rest of my life, i don't feel that i will miss out on too much.

afterall, these people left home because they wanted a better life. and they had a legitimate reason to do so. it's not totally because they wanted to earn more money. but the bigger picture is that they needed more money. the needed the money to support their family, violence is so bad at home that there are security guards at the cash machine so that you don't get rob when you withdraw money, you don't get killed because you bump into someone or kidnap while driving down the road...

hope you get the idea of what i am trying to say...


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