Saturday, January 29, 2005


random thought for this week:

X is not working with us anymore. *glad* but he made a mess and we are still cleaning up.

Y left today. *damn happy*

Z's last day today. *quite sad coz she's always so lively and cheerful... and she likes my surname too*

Anna went back to Poland to visit her mum on thur. Mel and Fab are suffering coz we are barely able to cope and anna will only be back on tue. the polish sweets that she's bring back better be worth it!

after flipping thru a copy of 'London Theatre Guide', Darren and I decided to catch a musical Lion King next week since the tickets are going between 10 and 20 pounds.

Fabs and I are thinking of going to Edinburgh somewhere in Feb or Mar to get away from work and not so nice people.

it was freaking cold earlier this week. but it's abit warmer now. 7 degrees maybe?

i read some where that the US is keeping its currency weak so that China might remove its peg sooner... maybe... and maybe not...

too bad i decide not to play mahjong tonight coz i was really looking forward to it, but i'm also very tired. *anna's fault*

bloody bus is horning right now. *1:07am*

feeling abit guilty that i forgotten to email 2 friends on their birthday this week. Happy Birthday Andy and Brian (big Brian).

abit disappointed that i didn't get to see snow fall this week.

playing footie tomolo morning and going for zes birthday dinner tomolo. coolz.

finn got a new phone, stel got her replacement phone, sis feels that the lemon treatment is working... so i guess it has all been good.

time to hit the bed and fall into a phase of rapid eye movements. btw, u'll get better rest when you go into a phase of rapid eye movements in the midst of your sleep.


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