Tuesday, January 04, 2005

another day in the office

first day of work in the new year and i feel that i need to look for another job. the current job is nice. the work load is light, the work that is to be done is simple, but the problem is that i have no idea when will i be terminated from the job and this doesn't really makes me feel very secure. and the fact that i am quite low on cash compounds to the problem. besides, i need a job that will challenge me and keeps me going. so another resolution will be to start looking for another job.

my mind is still on the tsunami disaster. the truth is that it did not affected me-affected me in the sense that i wasn't caught in one or knew of anyone who was or say that i was near it when t happen. at the same time, to know that so many people lost their loved ones, lost their home, lost everything was something hard to understand and there wasn't anyone to blame. none of us' to blame. it was an act of nature or as some people put it-an act of god. and now, god's involved!
so did god make it happen or did he allow it to happen?
do u blame god or do u just question god?
do u seek to understand god or do u accept god for who he is?
do u still believe in god or do u not believe in god anymore?
do u still think that god is good or is he an unjust god?

i can't say that everything has been good and will forever be good coz it isn't, bad things still happen now and then and i'll be lying and disillusion if i did. but if you belive in your heart that god is a good god, a faithful god, a loving god; somehow, just somehow amidst every thing, there's hope.


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