Sunday, January 02, 2005

the new year ahead and my resolutions

it's the beginning of a new year, and many of us will tend to mark the beginning of the new year with resolutions. it can be bout some thing as simple as wishing for a better year or some thing that we are currently involve like our studies or career or some thing that's personal and close to our heart which only u urself and God knows. but the truth most probably is, at the end of the day-the year, we might not remember what were the resolutions made in the beginning of the year. in fact, it might not even matters if it's fulfilled or accomplished. but this doesn't stop us from making new year resolutions every year because doing it gives us direction in life, a certain goal to achieve in life but above all, it gives us hope. and after all, life is bout faith, hope and love.

for myself, i just hope that i did not miss out on too many opportunities in life. it's impossible not too miss out on any opportunity, after all, there's opportunity cost in every thing that you decide to do. and this brings me to the next resolution. that is to live life to the fullest given the present situation or circumstance.

i suppose the above statements are my new year resolutions, besides the usual stuff like, to be successful, to be happy, to please God, to get a gf, to get married by X years old, to get a job that i like, to blar blar blar. but above all, what was said in church today sums it all up. we got to live a life that's growing bigger and bigger, that's challenging, fulfilling and last but not least God pleasing. in fact, God please is the first and most important.

enough said, i am going to watch my tv... WW2 movie. my favourite!!!


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