Tuesday, January 25, 2005

just another monday

once again, it's freezing today. and for those who's not in london and doesn't know how cold it feels - try opening the door of the fridge while naked and soaking wet with a fan blowing directly at you. yeah!!! that gives you an idea of how cold it is... i think =)

and i had a pretty good day today. work is alright, but that doesn't change the fact that the job is still boring and that i really really want a change. X has left and we are happier in a certain sense. Happier because you know X is not productive at all and in fact, X is counter-productive. everything that X does, you have to go thru it again. so even though we are one person short, it still feels good knowing that there won't be someone who's counter-productive.

and my seasonally interest-in-reading is back. so i visited Borders after work. interestingly, the topics that i have interest right now are sciencitic theories and philosophy. and the new book list that i have right now is:
Plato Complete Work
The Da Vinci Code - i am sure someone out there has it and is able to lend it to me!
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time - i think Stel has this book. *hope so*
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
A Short History Of Nearly Everything
TWO - ok, it's a bike magazine. but it's my favourite bike magazine. you should really check out british bike magazines. it's written in a very descriptive way. love it!

The 'dog', 'leaves' and 'history' books fall under a 3 for 2 deal at borders. so am able to get 3 books for ard 17 quid i think. but if stel has the 'dog' book, then i am not sure what other book to get coz the rest of it are fictions and the 'Plato' book cost 30+ quid.
but i think i like the plato book very much. the chapter which i read which happens to be the first chapter is bout a guy who's name starts with E, brought his father to the court to be trial for murder. a crime punishable by death. for a son to do just a thing to his father amazed Plato. coz it's a moral dilemma between justice and piety. what is more amazing to Plato is that it's not the murder of a close family member (related by blood) or any relatives but the murder of a servant. and if i remembered correctly and can tell the story properly: the servant murdered another servant while in a drunken state. and the master (father) binded the servant and left him in a pit or something before/while deciding the next course of action - however the servant was unprotected from the elements and as a result, he died and the master was brought by his very own son to be charged with the death of the servant. in doing so, the son brought condemnation from relatives upon himself. and Plato questioned him on why he did what he's doing... and that's bout all i can remember and read. eh, does anyone has the book and can lend it to me? the most liekly person is Stel!!! btw, it's either Plato or his mentor, Socrates.

enough of blogging for today... right now, i just wish that i have all the time in the world read and complete all the books that i have listed for the past 2 days... Nerd Nerd Nerd!!!


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