Sunday, March 05, 2006

4th March, Saturday

i met a colleague/friend for lunch in chinatown because he's going back to South Africa next week.
the waitress put us at a table with a couple and i didn't really like it coz who wants to sit with strangers when you wanna have a chat with your friend.
somehow, the stranger started talking to us and it turned out that he's an evangelist in training... whatever that means.
but anyway, he said some things to me which i find that they are really interesting:
1. if someone ask what makes us think that we are going to heaven because we believe in Jesus Christ. the answer is if this Jesus Christ that i believe in doesn't brings me to heaven, fair enough. then we all go to hell. but what if, just what if it's true. it's a chance not to be missed right?
2. do u some times feel that God is not real or working in your life. i think we all know the answer. i dont know how the question arised, but here's what was said by them. "We close the door to our room and ask God to show himself real to us in our lives."
well, we chatted as if we were old friends talking bout our churches, where we are from, what's one another's name, our ministries, our calling, our favourite food but in fact, we only just met in the restuarant.
it's interesting how God places people in our lives. even if it's just for an hour. Thank you Martin and Yen, from UK and China respectively. wish you 2 all the best in your ministries.


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