Tuesday, January 24, 2006

wanna be a hero???

the festive period is over, so i guess my blog is going to be plain old boring again. so i decided to talk alot alot of crap to make the days easier!


Story of the day: Mr Freeze has escaped from the Gotham City jail! He managed to escape by hiding in the prison courtyard in the extreme cold because the guards didn't expect anyone to survive the record cold temperature this winter!!! rumours have it that he's currently hiding in london before he can head north to Russia where he feels more comfortable because his partner in crime, The Penguin is keeping a low profile due to the recent bird-flu outbreak. Batman and Robin are obviously out of action as they have been quarantined and the world now needs a super hero!!! do you wanna be a super hero? if do, start wearing your underwear over your head and stop crime!


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