Wednesday, November 09, 2005


i saw a beautiful pair of legs while walking to work

a cup of coffee was already made for me and on my desk when i got into work. thank God for nice colleagues.

then shit started to happen.

i can't open certain email attachments, contractors called and asked stupid questions, everything seemed so messy and out of control. almost everything seemed to get on my nerves.

but i endured, took a chill pill, got a grip on myself and completed my work.

i felt that i've failed. i've failed the test of over-coming the challenges that were in my life today. the above can happen and will probably happen again, but i should have handled everything in a more gracious manner. i probably swore a hundred times today and that is not gracious. i've made it through the day, but it didn't felt too good. hmmm...

i shall learn to exercise more self-control and be more gracious.

but i'm still a thug!



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