Wednesday, April 27, 2005

blogging before the match...

my day at work was very messy. i've got lots of unmatch timesheets and invoices and it's payroll tomolo. God help me... may they all match so that it will be easier on my colleagues cover for me.

i dropped by Virgin Megastore after work today. got into the store and proceed to the basement where all the dvd section is. but before i could start browsing at the DVDs, the alarm went off and told everyone that it's an emergency and everyone has to leave the building. and everyone left the building promptly and orderly. though someone joked that Virgin did not pay the rent. =) but i wonder if Singaporeans would do the same if such an alarm went off in any store in Singapore. would they even bother to leave the building...

Sis and Stella are in budapest this very moment. I learnt bout budapest when i was in poly. i took an elective bout the travel industry learning bout travel agency, travel wholesalers, the codes for economy, first and business class air travel, the codes for the airports, sleepers and rail travel, difference between twins and doubles, why it's more expensive to pay for a single trip compared to a return trip, planning an itinerary... and my tutor was quite fun. and my friends keep saying that i was her favourite student... for reasons i shall not explain.

progress check for my berlin trip: i've only managed to change my money. haven't plan out my 3 day itinerary and if i should go clubbing... hmmm...

it cost an adult an average of 2 million pounds to live a life time in london... that's what BBC news says right now. 311,000 pounds eating out, 500,000 pounds for tax... blar blar blar... interesting...

btw, please give suggestions on what DVD should i buy... i am thinking of getting Casablanca, goodfella, the godfather, the usual suspects and shawshank redemption for 30 pounds... but i am tempted to get Leon because i think it was natalie portman first movie, the whole indiana jone's collection, exorcist, shrek, gladiator...

too many choices, not enough money...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

i'm going to berlin

i'll be visiting berlin in 2 days time but i have not done the necessary things. i.e. changing my money into the local currency, how to get from the airport to my hostel and the places that i wanna visit. i only know that i want to do alot of stuff. keke.

i was looking thru the pictures that my friends uploaded in friendster and came across afew convocation photos. nice. wish i was there... wish i would stop saying this coz i don't know how many times have i said it already.

i was reading my cousin's blog and i managed to came across the website which had the photos of the Singapore's Miss Universe contestants. i think some of my friends looks very much better than the majority of the contestants. Although i was surprise to see a girl who was from SIM, a friend of my friend. she seems nice. never talked to her b4 but all i know that she's really tall and something else which i won't say. =)

and here's abit bout the casino issue and other issues. we ask for a Singapore that's more colourful, vibrant and interesting. yet, we do not want the consequences and issues that can possibly comes with it. come on people, it's time to grow up, take up responsibilities and learn to accept things even if you don't understand it. it's like if our children might fall and hurt themselves when learning to walk, should we stop them from learning how to walk? or maybe we might choke and dead while eating, so we should not eat anything at all. or how bout this, we are afraid of being heart broken, so let's not fall in love. can we not walk, not eat or not love... that doesn't mean we throw caution to the wind, not taking precautions to protect ourselves and not take care of ourselves.
when a child falls while learning to walk, we'll pick him up and let him continue learning. in the process, we might have to wipe away his tears and maybe ours, rub away his bruises but we ourselves feel more hurt inside, trying our best to help yet everything seems hopeless coz it's something that we are unable to and catching him before he hits the floor when he falls is the best thing we can do. come on people, do you remember the time when not too long ago, we all wanted to grow up quickly and be adults. well, now, we should learn that being an adult is not all in the age, it's bout taking and being responsibilites, letting go and be gracious to accept.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

i got caught!

today's the most relaxing friday i have had since i started work. my payroll was completed on thursday and it was just formality that i handed it in today instead of yesterday. everything was done properly without any fault and i felt alittle lost not knowing what to do for the rest of the day.

jamie caught me looking at adeline. damn it! how dare he laugh at me. i think jamie looks at adeline more often that i do! FYI, adeline is a new girl in our office and she's pretty. and she wore a top which i think is very nice today which makes her look nicer. so i spent a second or two longer than usual to look at her and somehow, jamie managed to catch me in the act. *grin*

Natalie Portman is the girl on the background of my desktop since yesterday. i think she looks pretty. at any angle, u can see the 'woman' in her. and my manager actually got to talk to her when they were attending a psychological conference and she said that natalie is very smart. how cool is that.

talking bout pretty girls, somehow, there seem to be more pretty and hot girls on the streets now. they are sprouting all over the streets like flowers in spring and summer.

gtg, time to prepare for OCF.

Friday, April 15, 2005

i talk rubbish...

i do not know how i did it, but i injured my tongue. a small area of the underside of my tongue hurts when it touches anything. how sucky right! the tongue practically touches something at any given time. idiot! it's not really that painful, but it's very irritating, i don't know how i did it and i just wanna complain.

and 6 hours from now, it would be my convocation if i were in Singapore. but since i am not there, i won't talk bout it. all the best and have fun, my friends from SIM.

i had a great time playing footie with my coleagues at the park yesterday. but first, i wanna that i still can't understand why did it have to rain yesterday. it didn't rain on sunday, monday, tuesday or today but it had to rain on wed between 5:30pm and 6pm... the time when we were walking from our workplace to the park. but it didn't dampen our mood and i scored with glancing header, left foot and right foot. so looking forward to play footie again next week.

had a great time eating KFC and playing frisbee at the park on sunday too! the sun was great, but the weather is still abit chilling. so hopefully, one month down the road and i am able to spend every sunday at the park for the next 2-3 months. God, please let spring and summer be warm and beautiful. and i stuffed myself with too much KFC and after the game of frisbee, i can feel the KFC in my lungs. thank God i didn't vomit. it will be such a waste of money and good food.

ok, i got to go. i shall catch an episode of B.O.B. (band of brothers) before catching the football match on tv later.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


are we going to have curfew for our kids in hte future to prevent them from coming home too early?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

U.S. Treasury Notes Increase After Report Shows Slowdown in Job Growth

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. Treasury notes rose after the government said job growth slowed last month, overcoming a temporary slide sparked by a separate report that fanned inflation concerns when prices paid by manufacturers jumped.

>>do you understand why the U.S. treasury notes rise and fall in relation to the news?

The 4 percent note due in February 2015 rose about 1/4, or $2.50 per $1,000 face amount, to 96 13/32 as of 5 p.m. in New York, according to bond broker Cantor Fitzgerald LP. The yield fell 3 basis points, or 0.03 percentage point, to 4.45 percent. The yield fell 15 basis points this week, the most since August.

>>i do not understand the 96 13/32 figure. can someone please explain it to me? so if the yield falls, does the price increase?

Speculative short positions, or bets prices will fall, outnumbered long positions by a record 219,385 contracts on the Chicago Board of Trade as of March 22. As of March 29, the net short position fell to just 2 percent to 214,230 contracts. Short positions are where an investor sells borrowed securities in the hope of buying them back at a profit when the price falls.
interest rate is expected to be between 3.25% to 3.5% at the end of the year, well, at least that the expert analysis of merill lynch and goldman respectively. 9 months and 50 to 75 basis points to go before that target is to be met.
i would say that the interest rate will be unchanged in the next 2-3 months. and my analysis is that the reason for the increased in price paid my manufacturers is most probably due to higher oil prices and i am quite sure that oil prices will hit a new high in the next few weeks, this will definately up the price paid index. technically, the feds should increase interest rates to curb inflation. but i don't see any likely increase in job wages nor significant changes in job growth till june that will justify/ support/ complement the rise in interest rate. therefore, my analysis is that interest rate will be unchange till june. and we'll most probably see interest rate hike from july onwards. well, at least that's my bet.

so my bet is to short 3 months treasury bills.