Monday, May 31, 2004

boy oh boy oh boy!

four more days to go and it will all be over!!! there'll be no more exams in my life! there's no need wake up early, and travel to sch to study from day to night! but i guess i will miss the rountine + meeting my friends for breakfast, lunch and dinner and chit chatting... like my friend said, 'it's not what you do, but it's the company'.
but there are also other things to do and look forward to. swimming and basking under the sun... having coffee, catching a show, dim sum buffet... playing football... have abit of alcohol... meeting friends that i have not met for weeks, months and even a year... planning for my trip and buying stuff... hopefully, i am able to go for one more diving trip before i leave...
ah... 4 more days to go... but 2 more days before the next paper... i better hit the books again...


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