Monday, May 31, 2004

boy oh boy oh boy!

four more days to go and it will all be over!!! there'll be no more exams in my life! there's no need wake up early, and travel to sch to study from day to night! but i guess i will miss the rountine + meeting my friends for breakfast, lunch and dinner and chit chatting... like my friend said, 'it's not what you do, but it's the company'.
but there are also other things to do and look forward to. swimming and basking under the sun... having coffee, catching a show, dim sum buffet... playing football... have abit of alcohol... meeting friends that i have not met for weeks, months and even a year... planning for my trip and buying stuff... hopefully, i am able to go for one more diving trip before i leave...
ah... 4 more days to go... but 2 more days before the next paper... i better hit the books again...

Sunday, May 30, 2004

penny for my thought...

wat if the world temporaily stop physically investment in china and let china's economy cool... then the demand for oil, steel, aluminium will cool and prices will drop and hopefully, the will boost the financial economy of the rest of the world?

Saturday, May 29, 2004


here's a short summary of wat's happening for the past 3.5 months.
i was in sch every day from 10am to 9pm studying. and i don't read the newspaper & watch tv as much as i used to and i sleep only bout 7 hours every day... except yesterday coz i slept 4 hours the night before becoz of my BORA the next day.

if you ask me how's things right now?
i'll say:
-the big picture: it's great! 3 papers down and 2 more to go before exams are over... and that's only 7 more days away! and so far, the previous 3 papers have been easy and the only complain that i have is that i didn't study well enough for my BORA paper. if only i spotted the correct theory topic, i'll most probably have another B grade in my bag.
-the small picture: my previous blog was down, and here i am writing and designing my new blog. *pls note, i still got 2 more papers and instead of studying, here i am!*

that's all for now... time to hit the books again.

a brand new one!!!

alright people, this is my brand new blog! my previous blog is screwed up! don't know wat's wrong with it but basically, my entries are not displayed.
i got lots to write, but i wanna design my blog first...

