Wednesday, June 28, 2006


i am going to sleep early tonight. in case i wake up at 4am tomorrow morning. that will really be sucky!

i have a nagging injury. and i think i got it during joey's farewell tau-pok a few months back. i cant walk without feeling a bruising pain on my rib-cage. and i have to walk 1/2 to work every day. how sucky is that. internal injury, vomit blood and die. oh, i think that in Singapore, if you got an internal injury, the police will interview you. don't ask how i know.

on the bright side, i got to play footie at Green Park and scored a hat-trick =) i was a real poacher. i stayed front at the opponent's goal area to create opportunities. then again, i was quite mean because there was this particular player who wasnt too good and i kept closing him down when he gets the ball. and when he loses the ball, i will pounce on the loose ball and aim for goal =) hat-trick, none of them is from long range =) quite proud of it. reminds me of my 6 goal feast a few years back. though i'm suffering from a bruised shin right now.

right, once the match is over, i'll take a shower and go to bed. come on Spain!


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