Tuesday, January 24, 2006

wanna be a hero???

the festive period is over, so i guess my blog is going to be plain old boring again. so i decided to talk alot alot of crap to make the days easier!


Story of the day: Mr Freeze has escaped from the Gotham City jail! He managed to escape by hiding in the prison courtyard in the extreme cold because the guards didn't expect anyone to survive the record cold temperature this winter!!! rumours have it that he's currently hiding in london before he can head north to Russia where he feels more comfortable because his partner in crime, The Penguin is keeping a low profile due to the recent bird-flu outbreak. Batman and Robin are obviously out of action as they have been quarantined and the world now needs a super hero!!! do you wanna be a super hero? if do, start wearing your underwear over your head and stop crime!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

not exactly a bad day but lots of things went wrong

i don't know why but i felt gloomy when i woke up this morning. the fact the it was raining out only compounded the gloomy-ness. the weird thing is a couple of thousand miles away in Singapore, it's also raining and J was feeling gloomy as well.

when i got to my desk, i was informed that newbie had called in sick again! damn it newbie! there's a payroll to do!
anyway, the guys made fun of newbie by drawing newbie's special alarm clock. the special alarm clock has 3 buttons. set button 1 and newbie will be a little late in the morning. set button 2 and newbie will be late in the morning. set button 3 and newbie will call in sick. ha. it's quite a good one.

and my left eye was itchy the entire day. i don't know what's wrong and i haven't cry in awhile leh =)

during lunch time, i went to a Jap shop to get a can of coke, and the cashier took almost a min to figure out the cash register and pay me my change. AN ENTIRE MIN!!!

and someone submitted a formal complain against me today. a contractor is complaining that it took us too long to pay him his over-time pay of 156 pounds and he wants us to compensate him the interest he could earn if he've received the payment on time. what a knob! i find it quite funny coz he wrote the complain only after he'd received the money. probably afraid that i would withhold the payment if he'd sent it before that.

well, that's my job. the work is shit, the money isn't fantastic, people shout at me over the phone, i deal with pricks/knobs/bitches but there are also some really nice and understanding people... at the end of the day, we still laugh it all off.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

the new year

after all the partying, drinks and card games over christmas and new year, it's back to reality.

work sucks! the newbie isn't of much help. in fact, i've got more work to do with him ard. i gotta do my work, help newbie with his work and check his work. absolutely crap!
then again, one of my 3 main principles is to always put urself in other people's shoes. so i guess i might have been as shit in other people's eyes when i first started working. oh well, let's give newbie a benefit of a doubt.

so, i think i'll need another holiday. but it's winter right now, not really keen on going anywhere in europe. i might as well hibernate at home and save up for the big ones!

cheer up people, another 355 days to year 2007!