Wednesday, October 26, 2005

been thinking

i've been thinking bout the past 1 year here in london, another year to go and everything else that could and would come after that.

lots of thoughts and worries, but i shall leave it the good hands of my God and make myself believe in the good hands of my God.

i've been in london for a little more than a year now, which also means that i've already been working for a year. i still remember the days when i can sleep 12-24 hours every day and do nothing much but eat, sleep and watch tv. but those slacking days are behind me now. they were good when it lasted.

but now, the situation is different and things have changed. i'm no more a student but a economical active individual. it's bout responsibilites and being responsible means that i've gotta work and that is life.

but it never is and never will be just bout work. 10-20 years down the road, i still wanna travel and see the world, ride a bike with the wind in my face and scuba dive to see a whale shark or manta ray. this is me. the adventurous me.

thank you to all my friends who constantly encourage me that this working-holiday visa is worth experiencing even though sometimes, i feel that it's not.

it's going to be a long adventure and who wants to join me!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

if you trust me...

buy stocks in the health-care industry because everyone's ill and need medication and major commerical banks becoz lending is up, esp unsecured lending and they are making a healthy profit from it... so do u trust me?

*football better start soon or else i'll have more crap to say*

Sunday, October 23, 2005

someday it'll be a saturday night

firstly, it ain't my fault that someone chalked up $3000 of internet bills. i'm quite sure that i told the person before that person returned to Singapore that the internet wasn't on a unlimited plan.

i played frisbee at Regent's Park with some people from LSE today. the freaking playing field is 2x the size of what i usually play at Lincoln's Inn. started with some drills before playing a proper game. ran ard like a mad dog and it was a good work out though i couldn't run anymore towards the last 1/2 hour of the game. and as i blog this, i can feel my legs starting to cramp up.

other random things that happened this week:
1. i saw 2 pretty girls on the street this week. one of them worked in BPP coz i think she was in her cycling attire while chaining up her bike. the other was someone near holborn tube, she caught my eyes coz she has nice legs. NICE!
2. i finally found the glove which i thought i had lost for good. it was in a bucket which was in the boiler room! thank God that i was moving some stuff into the boiler room and i happened to chance upon it. *glad that i don't have to buy another pair of gloves just becoz i lost a glove*

that's bout all that's happening in my life recently. nothing much really. nice and low profile as usual.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Jack Dee live at the Apollo

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

me devilish fantasy football team!

Friday, October 14, 2005

tipping point

something from the bloomberg:

`Exorbitant Privilege'
The phrase ``exorbitant privilege'' was coined by French Finance Minister Valery Giscard d'Estaing in 1965. He used it to describe ``the ability of the U.S. to run large direct investment surpluses, ultimately financed by the issuance of dollars held sometimes involuntarily by foreign central banks,'' the authors say.
In those days, economists regarded the U.S. as ``the Banker of the World,'' lending for long and intermediate terms and borrowing short, they say.
``Since then, the U.S. has become an increasingly leveraged financial intermediary as world capital markets have become more and more integrated. Hence, a more accurate description of the U.S. in the last decade may be one of the `Venture Capitalist of the World,' issuing short term and fixed income liabilities and investing primarily in equity and direct investment abroad,'' Gourinchas and Rey write.
U.S. Balance Sheet
Initially, U.S. assets shifted from long-term bank loans to direct investments, such as the purchase of foreign companies, and in recent years, toward equity investments. Meanwhile, foreign investment has favored low-yielding safer assets, including bank loans, trade credit and debt, particularly Treasury securities.
``Hence the U.S. balance sheet resembles increasingly one of a venture capitalist with high return risky investments on the asset side,'' the economists say. ``Furthermore, its leverage ratio has increased sizably over time.''

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

swear counter

i wanted to find out how many times i swear every day. so i decided to count the number of times that i would swear at work today. so each time i said *BEEP* i would made a marking in my note-book.

the 3 swear words that i commonly use at work is F***-sake, F*** and S***. i only started using the first *BEEP* recently. picked it up from work.

i had 15 markings on my note-book. 11 markings were made for using the Fs and 4 for the Ss.

i know that there's no justification for using such languages. but when i'm stressed, it's a form of outlet for my fustration. at least i don't punch people to vent my fustration.

maybe i should start using words like CRAP, FISH, BUGGER... but what's the point when the meaning is the same.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

something my friend said

"he made me felt so loved that i want to love him more"
some how, when my friend said this, i just want to feel the same way for my God.


'judges are not the servants of the government... our duty is to the public'

too bad not all judges seem to work this way

Friday, October 07, 2005

the August road trip

Monday, October 03, 2005

Caleb's Birthday and Sunday's Boys

Caleb's Birthday Cake
The Cake is on Fire!
not sure if Caleb extinguished the flame with water or wind from his mouth?!
Chairman of Happy Village
Happy Village's other Chairman...
up to you to imagine what's he doing

Saturday, October 01, 2005


my good friend made this for me
i made this myself

while waiting for my clothes to dry

camp nou, nice!
i like this
how much will you pay me to swallow the water-melon?
nice mag eh.

my pride collection...
NEVER FEED A DOG CHILLI! i think the dog vomitted a few hours after this shot was taken.