Monday, December 27, 2004

26th december

26th december is a day where most of us will associate it as the day after christmas. aka Boxing Day. a day where we can wake up later than usual, smile bout what happen the previous day, consolidate everything that happened during the year and look forward to the coming new year.

and if you are in touch with current affairs, you'll most probably know that 26th december is the day when Ukraine has its re-election and we now know that Yushchenko is the winner.

but never did anyone expect ten of thousands of people to die overnight from a natural disaster. actually, i wanted to write bout my christmas party, but before i do that, i guess it's only proper to mention the event in respect of the millions of people affected by the disaster. we all know what happened. a large scale natural disaster that no one could ever predict and never thought would happen in such magnitude in our life time. enough said, all we can do is to pray that things will be bearable for people.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

eve of christmas eve

after much consideration, i decided to cut my own hair yesterday. with a pair of scissors, a weird looking comb which i found in my sister's room and using the trimmers from my shaver, i embarked onto something which i have not done before and never thought that i would do and lock myself in the toilet.
honestly speaking, it's not easy coz u gotta look at yourself in the mirror and cordinate ur hand. the whole inverse reflection or whatever it's called, is damn difficult lar! anyway, i think my fringe is ok, the back of the head wasn't really touch but the side is quite messy. i think i might go home and do some touching up in the bathroom later in the evening...
then again, maybe not. coz i might going for some drinks with collegues after work. no way am i going to cut my own hair when i am pissed.

things are moving so slow in the office this week. no one feels like working or doing anything. some people are away enjoying an early start to the holidays, the few that remains are in the office physically but nontheless in the holiday mood... one way or another, we're just waiting for the eve of christmas eve to end!!! =)

*waiting* *counting down* 3 and a half hours to go before i knock off...

as i look back

as i read my own blog entries that i had enter before i came over to london... i really miss my friends back in Singapore.
my church friends, sound team and cellgroup members. my gang of friends from primary and secondary sch days whom i always hang out with-soccer, beer, coffeeshop, supper, swimming, catching up... the friends that i have made when i was in SIM: first year friends, soccer & clubbing friends, talk-cock friends, best friend...
here's a list of some of the things that made melvin's 2004 life memorable.
1. getting the working-holiday visa
2. studying in the SIM Library for the exams, freezing and making lots of friends
3. studying many months for the UOL exams
4. entertaining my friends with the amount of food that i eat when i was studying for exams
5. hanging out at Winebar once in awhile on fridays
6. playing soccer every sunday at 3pm in Maris Stella
7. playing soccer every friday at 4:30pm in Camp David and the dinner after that
8. coming to london and got to know alot of friends
i never thought that i will be where i am today. i really appreciate my family for allowing me to do what i am doing now. the people around me both near and far that i've known and made friends with. to cut the long speech short, cheers to all you people out there. love ya all.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

i wonder...

question: 'have u ever wonder...' i guess all of us has done it.
here i am, sitting on the sofa, waiting for the soup to be ready and my mind starts to wonder... i wonder how is it like to spend christmas in london away from my family and friends which i will soon find out. i wonder what will happen if i didn't come to london, which i will never find out coz i am already here. i wonder what will it be like to work for FSA in canary wharf which is not happening now but you'll never know in the future... i wonder this, wonder that... bottomline, why do we wonder???
time to check on my soup... keep on wondering!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

all i hope for christmas

the christmas dinner that's happening this friday is constantly on my mind! can't get it out of my mind! not that i want to...
and maybe i should drop by Tesco or Sainsbury to get some 'happy food' for the dinner. =)
my kind of happy food will be lots of sweets, chocolates, chips... yummy. and i wonder if i should get some beer =) it has been a long time since i drank till my heart's content.
i still remember last year's christmas. i had a party with some of my close friends at one of the guy's place. we had a few bottles of wine & liqour, 2 crates of beer and the usual BBQ stuff. it was a great time, with good friends and good company. and i wonder what will they be doing this christmas... and not to forget new year. they came to my place and had more drinks. basically, everyone got pissed drunk playing drinking games. hahaha.
but i wonder what's going to happen this christmas... will there be snow? coz i would love to see snow towards the end of the night on christmas eve and through out christmas day itself. hope everyone will have a good time at my place and i wonder if we are going to play any games?! i love playing games! bridge? bluff? blackjack with forfeit? finger-guessing games? and majhong a definate must! blackjack and finger-guessing is boring without the alcohol or any forfeit... hehe. and i am already thinking of what are the possible forfeits that can be done! =)
sigh, time to go back to work. FILING, FILING AND MORE FILING. doesn't it ever stops... but if it does stop, i'll be out of a job. DILEMMA DILEMMA DILEMMA!!!

Monday, December 20, 2004


all i wanna say is, christmas is just a few days away and so is the new year. and i am so excited bout it. the food, the drinks, the company and the majhong!!! hahaha.
someone said that it's not the occassion, but it's the company that makes the difference, i agree with it. however, with good company on christmas day itself, it's going to be smashing!
*excited excited excited*

Thursday, December 16, 2004

exciting 15mins!

it has been an exciting and interesting 15min in the office.

firstly, the company secretary was giving out what i thought was christmas cards. (a formality during the christmas period) so i chucked it aside as i was had work to do. A collegue asked me if ihad open the envelope and i said no. and he told me to open it immediate to check out what's inside! but when i open the envelope, there were no christmas card inside, there was only a piece of crumpled red coloured paper... with a picture of the queen's face!!! my face immediately lightened up. and i took a second look at the envelope, these were the words printed on it, 'Your Cab Fare Home'. bloody cool eh! 50 cool quids for my cab fare home!

the second thing was a secret santas thing which we had in our office. basically, we wrote our name on a piece of paper and throw it into a bag and we had to pick a piece of paper from the same bag. what you are suppose to do is to buy a present for the person who's name you had drawn and put it under the christmas tree and the present will be given away today. i received a Manchester United Calender!!! a 2005 Manchester United Calender!!! shiok!!!

yeah, what an exciting 15 mins in the office today.

and since we are on 'presents', i might as well make a christmas wish list:
1. a small versatile sling bag that i can dump my stuff into.
2. a cardigan to wear in the office.
3. another scarf.
4. a pair of walking shoes.
5. a brown suit jacket from Zara which cost 3 figures.
6. a coat but so far, i haven't find one that i like. i've been to Zara, Topman, H&M, Gap and even Hugo Boss... can't find one yet.
blar blar blar... i think i'm getting carried away and i should stop now.

time to get back to work.
cheers and merry christmas everybody. 9 more days to christmas. be good and have fun partying!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

frighteningly high!

what's a weakness in electrons? does he uncontrolably gives off sparks? does he unknowingly zap people with his electrons? or is he just a spare electron?

and how many of you out there think that i am weird? 99.9999%??? well sometimes, i myself think that i am weird too!

'my strength is that i never need to sleep'... yeah right! this is so so so wrong!!!

my conclusion is that this quiz is mostly flawed except for the IQ part which is definately accurate. =) 'frighteningly high' how can any other answer beat that!" method="post">
What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is frighteningly high
You are a gamer geek
Your strength is you never need to sleep
Your weakness is electrons
You think normal people are strange
Normal people think that you are weird
This QuickKwiz by owlsamantha - Taken 152981 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Friday, December 03, 2004

summing up of the week...

lunch time! and i am staying in the office coz it's damn cold outside!!! it's so cold that every breath that i take creates a mini-fog that makes it difficult to see. therefore, to minimise the rise of knocking into something or someone, i decide to stay in the office.

finally, i gotta a reply from FSA after waiting for 2 weeks. i got the reply by email. and when u get a reply by email, it usually means that your application is rejected. i'm disappointed by the results coz i was looking forward to get a job that's related to my studies. but i shall not be affected by it too bad. i'll most probably get over it by sunday... this means that i can save on transport and walk to work every day even though it's a 15 min in the freezing cold. (so cold that i feel that my XXXX might drop off this morning...) and i can make plans for 1 or 2 trips for the winter since i am not moving to a new job. oh well, contentment is a gain, i shall make the best out of it. and i still hope for a better job to come along... where ever and when ever that it!

i went up to Old Trafford on wed. it's was an OK game. i knew that the stadium will be big, but when i finally got there i didn't expect it to be that big! i was seated on the highest tier and it was like watching a soccer match from the top of a 20 storey building! unobstructed view but from where i was seated, the players looked very small! i thought that i should bring a binoculars or sniper scope along just to get a closer view! and maybe take a shot at some arsenal players if i had a sniper rifle. but it feels weird not to hear any commentary which is usually provided on the tv. but overall, it's great even though it wasn't a high profile game. so, i shall return to Old Trafford for more matches! and i drove back to London at neck-breaking speed. let's say i took 3 hours to get from Manchester to Greater London and 1 hour from Greater London to entral London. but now, i hope that i didn't get caught for speeding on the motorway coz i was driving at criminal speed. but i did get caught for speeding in Manchester, i got 'flashed' by a speed camera while trying to find my way ard. i promise that if i don't get any speeding tickets for this trip, i will not drive above the speed limit by 20mph for the rest of my time in UK!

and as usually, there are so many things to buy but so little money... i WANT a pair of shoes, some cardigans, some sweaters and 1-2 coats!

half an hour more to go b4 my lunch is over... i shall sit ard and watch people work...