Monday, December 26, 2005

a game of shithead that got carried away! COOLZ!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

more photos! hahaha

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Monday Night

the date was the 19th of December 2005.
the venue was Battersea.

bout 1,000 people put on their best wear and turned up for the dinner. the men wore tux and the ladies looked absolutely stunning in their dresses. it's fantastic to see so many people all dressed up!

it was an annual event for the company but you can see that effort was put into it to make sure that event is successful. the decoration and setting of the place, the seating arrangement, food, beverages and entertainment.

the event kicked off with dancers in egyptian dancing costume on the stage =)
before the food was served. the CEO also gave a talked but no one at my table was really interested. the only thing that we were interested in was to move on to the bar once the food is done.

as usual, the tab for the drinks was picked up for by the company, so everyone went for the best. VODKA REDBULL! it's an awesome drink! it has substance and the UMPH! the bar actually ran out of VODKA REDBULL at some point in time and we had to settle for JD & COKE and some SHOTS that the girls ordered.

basically, throughout the entire night, everyone was downing the vodka and shots, mingling with your colleagues and people that you email or talk to every day but never meet, going for the bumper-car rides, taking pictures and other stuff. and there was gaming too. i forked out 10 pounds and spent bout 1/2 hour on the table which isn't too bad.

i enjoyed myself alot that night. although everyone was smartly dressed but the atmosphere was casual and fun. =) got kissed on the cheeks by someone from CLT who thanked me for always being helpful.

there were other weird stuff too. there was a guy who was absolutely pissed and he was pissing on himself in the gents. a colleague of mine was greeting and shouting at everyone. it was funny when funnier when she couldn't remember it the next it.

too bad i won't be ard for the next one.


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

SThree christmas dinner

Friday, December 16, 2005


J sent me this and i think that it's quite funny, esp the part bout the girdle.

SEDUCING GEMINI MEN: Gemini men are free and restltess. their ideal woman should understand them, share their many interests and, at the same time, never make him feel bridled. They are brilliant and never monotonous lovers. AT your first dinner together you should eat unusual dishes, usually like his nature.
TIP: If you want to strike him, wear a girdle!

Calvin & Hobbes (hope i don't get into trouble with copyrights)